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NQR Migraine Relief

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I have had migraines since my children were born. Several years ago they were coming every week and I only had a couple of good days a week. DH heard on radio talk show a regular md who is Korean and also does acupuncture had good results treating migraines. He insisted I try it. It wasn't fun but it made a HUGE difference. Now they only happen occasionally.

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I am a peds neurology clinic nurse

1. the key is fluids, be sure to drink minimum of 80-100oz fluids per day

2. no caffeine

3. sleep 8-10 hours per day

4. no skipped meals

5. small snacks throughout the day may help, drops in blood sugar can trigger migraine

6. We always recommend if HA rated at high level of pain (8-10) for 2 days, unrelenting, need to go to ER for IV fluids, pain med, med for nausea, to break the cycle of the HA. IF the HA lasts 4 days intermittently at high level of pain, would also recommend ER for IV fluids and pain management.

7. reduce stress if possible

8. There are many daily medications that can help prevent migraines including Topamax, depakote, propranolol, etc, etc.

9. keep a daily headache calendar, to record when HA occur, how long they last, how severe, many HA are related to hormones...women tend to get right before a period

Part of the workup should include:

1. MRI/MRA brain

2. There can be testing for migraines via blood work, the name escapes me right now, it is a send out lab for genetic testing for this gene that can produce migraines, tends to run in families

3. biofeedback

4. massage therapy

5. psychology

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