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NQR Beware of virus on Facebook

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I just spent almost 2 hours going to my friends facebook pages to remove a video about Osama. Beware!!! There is a link that someone will send you to go and check who is looking at your page! Don't do it. It will send this video to every one of your friends!!!!

Just wanted to let you know. As I went to their page I saw other pages posted as well. be careful!!!!

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Dell, I have had my privacy settings on FB locked down to either me or only friends and not "friends of friends" and I have not ever had issues with a virus. So I guess the key is to keep your FB privacy settings set at minimal if at all possible to avoid hacking. I believe (that because I have my settings on very conservative mode) I have never recieved a virus or even seen this video at all. So all of you on FB keep this in mind. There are hackers out there but I have never been hacked. FB is a pretty good place to be if you keep your privacy settings locked down tight to either viewing for yourself or friends only. Never allow friends of friends. That is how hackers get in.

Just info I wanted to share.

PS: There are weird people out there that do not need to know our personal business or info. Keep your personal stuff close to the chest.

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I keep my settings on secure and friends also. Make sure your facebook url has https on it not http. I saw a link on a friends post saying that you can go to it and check whose looking at your profile, sounds like what you're saying.

I learnt a long time ago, not to put my actual info in the profile. Let it blank or fib.

Delld thanks for the "heads up", no matter how safe you try to make your computer, there's always someone smarter.

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Dell, I got one of those links this morning, too, but I did not click on it.

Shana, I DO have my privacy settings the way you describe, and this link came from one of my friends. So that didn't keep it from posting since they were my friend. He, of course, did not send it knowingly, but he has been hacked for sure.

Gator, I also have https. That didn't stop it either, but at least it stopped it from trying to post to all my friends.

All those "bad apples" out there try to spoil it for the rest of us.

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Originally posted by CindyT

Dell, I got one of those links this morning, too, but I did not click on it.

Shana, I DO have my privacy settings the way you describe, and this link came from one of my friends. So that didn't keep it from posting since they were my friend. He, of course, did not send it knowingly, but he has been hacked for sure.

Gator, I also have https. That didn't stop it either, but at least it stopped it from trying to post to all my friends.

All those "bad apples" out there try to spoil it for the rest of us.

You know I had all the right stuff too! Be very careful!!!
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