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thread tension

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I have a question for everyone re thread tension and me being lazy.

I am working on a quilt that has (duh) light thread on top and black on the bottom. Everything was fine until I changed my bobbin. I did one strip and didn't check under neath until I was done and somehow my tension changed and I have the light thread showing on the bottom. I have corrected the tension now, however, has anyone got any ideas how I can fix this without frogging the whole row?

I can't believe I didn't catch it because I normally am very careful about looking underneath.


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Originally posted by quiltedsunflower

So had a similar experience, but went from blue to yellow on top with white in the bobbin. Is there some trick to keeping the tension the same when you change colors? It was all So Fine so I didn't understand why the tension changed so much. I ended up having to frog - no marker that matched for me :(

I tend to use the same bobbin for each change. That slows things up a little but then I don't seem to have the tension adjustments when I use multiple bobbins.

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When I change my top thread I always check my tension as I have had the same problem. I sometimes think that when I pull the thread out of the guides it changes the tension just a wee bit.


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Lib: Do you have a TOWA? If so check the bobbin tension with the gauge when you wind bobbins. It will ID problems you might have with winding, or different thread properties, or bobbins for that matter. It sounds like something went wrong with the winding process. If you don't have one; get one. Regards. Jim

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Hi Jim. I do have a TOWA and my bobbin tension on my first bobbin was correct. I didn't check the second bobbin as I used the same bobbin holder and the thread was the same. I wind my bobbins with the winder that is on my Milli.

I even have the Superior top tension thingy but seem to have problems with it. I'm beginning to think it is me!


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Lib, I always keep micro pens or even color crayons in my studio for just such incidents. Sometimes things just go wonky. I have switched to metal bobbins from aluminum and that has helped tremendously with these issues. I also keep the bobbins in my magnetic dish. I would love to order every color of Magna Glides but I have way too much thread in my stash I have to use up first.

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Lib: Did you run out a good bit of thread when you checked the bobbin and case with the TOWA? You should get a pretty even reading on the gauge. Pull out at least a yard of thread. If the reading is steady, the bobbin, bobbin case, and winding are probably OK. If the TOWA needle moves back and forth significantly, there is a problem there somewhere. Probably the winder. Wind a second bobbin, and do the same. If the second gives you a steady reading, then it's the first bobbin. Look carefully at the bobbin case with a bobbin in it. Is the spacing around the edge of the bobbin the same all around, or is one of the "corners" closer to the bobbin than the rest? If so, the bobbin case is probably bent. Carefully try to pry the tight spot open a bit with a very small screw driver. Jim

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