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Update on my son Chris' progress

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As many of you have already read my son was in an ATV accident last Ausgust which left him paralyzed from the waist down. Just wanted to put out an update on his progress.

Although he is still confined to a wheelchair, we are all very excited about some things that are happening.

Chris is participating in the ABLE program here at the Courage Center in Golden Valley, Minnesota. ABLE stands for "Activity Based Locomotor Exercise" . With the able program he is put in a harness above a treadmill and he "walks" for approximately 45 minutes. There are 4+ therapists that work his legs in a walking motion to help re-train his nerve pathways for walking. There has been some great improvements to his muscle response.

He has learned how to crawl (on all 4's) and is able to move his hip flexor muscles to draw his legs up. His core muscles are starting to fire again and so his balance is very much improved. (He still cannot hold both hand out in front of himself, but it is getting better every day).

Chris got some KFO braces and is able to move around a little in the braces with the help of crutches. It is still pretty difficult, but it now means that he can go to houses that are not necessarily handicap accessible and get through doorways that are too narrow for his wheelchair.

A huge change is that Chris stood up, without his braces, just before Easter. I posted a video on youtube called Chris Stands Up. He was in the corner and used his arms to help raise himself up, but he was able to control his quads and hamstring muscles enough that he stood up for several minutes.

Chris went with his ABLE "gang" to Kentucky to participate in the Kentuck Derby Mini Marthon. He wheeled his manual wheelchair 5 miles. He has already asked the "gang" to let him know when they go next year because he wants to do the marathon again.


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Karie that news is just what I wanted and needed today. Thanks for a bit of cheer.

He is so outdoing the Dr.s pronouncements when he was first injured. If that was just to keep people from having a terrible disappointment down the road, I can sort of understand.. Of course none of this improvement would have come about without Chris' positive attitude.. Very Positive !!!

Hugs ya all.

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Thank you for the update on Chris. It sounds like all of his PPP'ing is paying off. Watching him stand by himself on Easter must have felt truly miraculous - I get chills just re-reading that part of your post.

May his spirit and hard work continue to pay off for him.


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