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The Koala cabinets are here!!!!

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This was an ongoing post from when I started packing up the room and moving everything out. There was a lot of stuff in here. It's actually two bedrooms with the wall left out between, so fairly large.

We removed three wall units of shelving and a peg board so we could paint.

Replaced the carpet with vinyl flooring.

Added electrical outlets to the floor.

Installed three new lighting tracts.

Installed plantation shutters to two windows.

Replaced the shelves in the closet.

Purchased a 55 inch TV.

Purchased two new Koala cabinets.

And there is a cutting table at the cabinet maker's being made.

We are almost finished and it has taken less than a month. things have gone so well with only minor hiccups. The first TV being shattered made me gasp. All in all...it's been a great journey and it's been fun having you all travel along with me. I will post the final pics when the room is ready for it's debut. I used to refer to it as the "craft room" now I call it the "sewing room". How strange. I'm off to put more stuff away. ;)

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Well you know at least you are doing your part for the economy! LOL I have way more stuff now than I ever did before. Hubby was in the military and with 1250 sq. ft houses you didn't have lots of storage. It seems since I've gotten my long arm my storage needs have gotten out of control!

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I had to move and I packed it all up and I had 8 boxes, 3'x3'x3' and I filled them with fabric. I separated the colors as best as I could to get it into the boxes. The feeling of accomplishment of putting it away when I got to the new house was worth it. It has been 2 years and they are still mostly separated in colors. It is definitely one way of knowing what you have. Unfortunately I can't find some things. I know that the room was empty when I moved and so the stuff I can't find is here somewhere. Good luck Oma!!!

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Coleen, I can identify. I also found that I had no room to cut anything or iron and even the chair at my DSM was stacked with stuff.I really need to discipline myself to clean up after one project before starting another. My room looks like a fabric store exploded. Sooo....what do I do? I get out my smaller cutting mat and move to the dining room table :P. This drives DH Crazy. Tomorrow is sewing room day, today is dining room. :D.


P.S. Maybe I should paint Just so I could get everything organized again.

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Well...painting will force you to at least move everything. LOL. I am sure the after pictures will motivate a bunch of people. I'm beginning to get excited. This room hasn't really been touched for 15 years other than to add stuff.

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Originally posted by JustSewSimple

so, Oma, you are gonna put stuff (fabric) on here for sale? Yes??????? What is old to you will be new to us!

You silly girl...I am laughing...if I have 40 year old fabric in my stash it's a pretty safe bet that I don't let go of it very easily. LOL. You have a standing invitation to come play with it any time you want.

My poor husband just brought up some more fabric that I ordered and it was delivered today. I just smiled and winked at him.

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Now here is a problem. I am going to get rid of at least half of those books and magazines after I scan what I want into my computer. Only about three shelves are quilting books and magazines. I also have my painting magazines, my crafting magazines and my stained glass books and my "Handyman" wood working magazines in there.

I have to take those shelves down and fix them too. They're not suppose to bow like that. LOL.


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Originally posted by oma

My poor husband just brought up some more fabric that I ordered and it was delivered today. I just smiled and winked at him.

Sounds like you have a wonderful, loving and understand man - helpful too!

Good for you!! Can't wait to see the room after you get it all put back together and organized - won't that be a nice place to be at!!! :cool:

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This thread is making me very very excited as this could be me in a few weeks moving all of my stuff into a bigger (much bigger) space !!! Fingers crossed al goes well. Not wanting to speak too soon.

You have alot of stuff !!! all looks good though. I think I am going to be shocked too of how much stuff I have when I put it all together from all over the house.

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Originally posted by sewhappy

The pics of all those boxes makes me think of that Hoarders show -I think we might all qualify to have our own episode LOL :o

I know...I started to think that too...then I realized it wasn't "junk" or just "stuff"...I actually use it. Not all at the same time of course. Quilting takes up a LOT of it because it's not just about fabric, but all the rulers, cutting supplies, patterns, books, etc.

Then I scrapbook so I have all those supplies and that takes up a lot of room because I have all the toys that go with that craft. I have plans to give some of it to whichever grandchild becomes interested in it because I discovered digital scrapbooking a while back and I prefer doing it that way.

Stamps go along with the scrapbooking sort of. I like to make my own cards which means more supplies.

I paint therefore I have all the supplies that go with that craft.

I do stained glass so all of my books are in here although all of my supplies are in the garage.

I make my own paper and I do screen painting therefore...more supplies.

I embroider, both machine and hand, more supplies.

I crochet and knit...more supplies.

Jewelry making...ok..I haven't done that in years so I will send all of that stuff to a granddaughter who is very talented making jewelry.

Are we seeing a trend here? I'm very fortunate to have the ability to do a lot of different things so I guess I'm making a very big footprint. One time when I was having surgery I sat down and made a "will" telling my husband how to get rid of all of the stuff in that room and who to give certain stuff to. He thought I was being silly, but he looked relieved to have it. LOL.:D

Ok...I'm probably a "hoarder", but a very organized one. :D

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Guest Linda S

LOL - Oh MY! You did my heart good with this. At least your stuff is all now fairly neat. I'd never take a picture of my quilting spaces, as they are a complete disaster. It is so good to know that there is someone with more stuff than me. I hope some day to have mine neatened up like that!

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I agree with Linda - your space did look pretty organized already. Can't wait to see how / what you do with it all when you move back into your "new" room!

Love that big shelf unit you have, nice way to see and find things.

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Good Luck!!!!

We recently lost our home and had to move into a rental. My dh was not happy when my sewing room/scrapbooking room filled up a 10x15 storage shed top to bottom. I tried to compare my 'stash' with his huinting/fishing stuff but he didn't go for it lol. I kept out 10 projects to work on while I am in the rental.

Have fun going thru stuff!!

amy in co

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Originally posted by Judi

I agree with Linda - your space did look pretty organized already. Can't wait to see how / what you do with it all when you move back into your "new" room!

Love that big shelf unit you have, nice way to see and find things.

That shelving unit was one of three units. I have two more equally as big. One set on each of three walls and a partial unit for books on the fourth wall and the only reason it was a partial unit was because there is two windows on that wall and my cutting table. This one was the messiest one because it held all of the misc. craft stuff mostly. I get to pack up the books on the closet shelves and paint some today.

Believe it or not...I am very organized. Everything has a place and is usually in a plastic container and labeled. My friends are astounded that I know exactly what I own and where it is. I can go straight to it when I want it. No...I don't have OCD. :P I think it's because I was an ER RN for 25 years and you had to be organized and able to multi-task to survive with your sanity intact. I subscribe to the old theory of "clean enough to be healthy and messy enough to be happy".

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Originally posted by quiltinchicks

Good Luck!!!!

We recently lost our home and had to move into a rental. My dh was not happy when my sewing room/scrapbooking room filled up a 10x15 storage shed top to bottom. I tried to compare my 'stash' with his huinting/fishing stuff but he didn't go for it lol. I kept out 10 projects to work on while I am in the rental.

Have fun going thru stuff!!

amy in co

My husband gave me that look one time and I pointed to his Harley Davidson and said I could buy everything in my room for the price of that one machine and that isn't all of his toys. He's never went there again. :P

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I'm painting today...ouch...my body doesn't like it. Why didn't I pay someone to paint it? Oh yea I remember...I said it would be a compromise because I spent so much on my Koala cabinets. Hmmmm....what was I thinking?

I ordered the flooring this morning...going in next week hopefully. Makes me nervous making big dollar decisions. If I don't like them I will have to live with them for a long time. I guess that means I'm going to love them.

I have to paint the new baseboards when they get them delivered. And I'll be picking out the lights tonight or tomorrow.

And darn it...those dang shutters are being delivered on Wed. That's only a little over a week! They told me 4 weeks and I thought it would be just about right. My other shutters took 4 weeks and I sat around waiting on them. The only problem with them being early is I ordered them for two other rooms too. You guessed it...the rooms that are so full you can't get into them. The boxes in that one room come clear to the door now because I got that closet emptied. Hmmmmm....I feel like Scarlett O'Hara..."Oh tweedly dee...I'll worry about that tomorrow".

Now I have to get back to my painting.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Oma when you get all done you want to come help me? I need to paint lots of rooms. Not sure when/how I'll get it all done but I think I've got the dining room, living room, bedroom, study and family room to paint! LOL I need to more to do whatever I want!

Oh...loved one...that just can't happen. I'm an "Arteest" not a "Painter". LOL. :P My back is so spasmed up right now I can't hardly move. I'm going to sit in the hot tub until I melt.

We spent two years getting this house completely painted inside. It's a 3000 sq ft two story with cathedral ceilings. It was really overwhelming so I hired it done then spaced it over a couple of years so I could deal with the mess and the cost. The sewing room was the last room. I'll take a couple of pics of today's work when I can stand up out of this chair.

Ouch!!!! But dang the room looks good!!!!:P:P:P

Oh...and a big thank you to P-H (Poor Husband). Even the sewing room has a cathedral ceiling so he was up and down the ladder and painting overhead (yup he painted the ceiling). We know I'm getting older because in my younger years I would have painted something artsy-fartsy on it like clouds and tree tops and birds. Hmmmm...hang on while I slap myself for even considering it.

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