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What I really want to do....

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I have 3 quilt jobs to work on. One I still have to finish & 2 to begin. I love that I was commissioned to make these quilts but what I really want to do is work on my new ideas! It's so hard to stay focused. Oh I also want to try a new technique i have seen recently. I think I will complete the peiceing on one & get it on the LA. then I will allow myself to "play". Think that will work???:P

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Hey...I'm pretty good at having two or three projects going at the same time so you bet it will work. If you don't "play" then it all becomes work and you won't be happy. You HAVE to nurture your creative side. Go for it!!!!

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I just posted this under "so discouraged" too so you don't miss it. To post a pic of yourself as an avatar is a little different and we will tackle that next.

To post pics of your quilts or pics you have on your computer you do not need a separate account. What you do have to to do is make sure the picture is small enough (without being too small). I find that 800x600 pixels is a good size. And the name you've given the picture can not have any symbols such as apostophes, special symbols, etc. in it. Do this first then put the folder somewhere you can find it or know where it is on your computer.

Then open the forum where you want to put your picture and click on the blue "topic" buttton. It takes you to a different screen. I put in a topic name and I usually type something regarding the pic I'm posting then go down to the little blank spot where it says "browse" beside it. Click on browse and it will bring up folders from your files on your computer. Go to where the picture is and click to open it. It will place the url in that blank spot. Then click "post new topic". It will redirect you to show your post.

See if this works for you as easily as it seems to me. If I missed a step I will go through it again, but this is about as simple as it gets. Don't give up. If it doesn't work for you then we will keep trying until it does. I love to see everyone's pictures.

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Oh and I forgot...what you need is a little dusting of fairy dust to give you permission to do what your heart wants to do instead of what your brain says you have to do. I misunderstood the original problem.:P

***sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle***

That should be enough fairy dust to get you started. LOL. When my daughter was in nursing school in a different state she would freak out on test day so I always talked to her on the phone and told her I sprinkled her with fairy dust and she would do well and she always did. One time she couldn't reach me and she was panicked and she didn't do as well on her test. No one did and the whole class was bummed out. When the instructor asked her in class why she thought everyone did so badly she told them she didn't know about everyone else, but in her case it was because she didn't have the fairy dust. Then she explained about our little tradition. The next test day when she walked into class the instructor was standing in the door way sprinkling everyone with glitter and telling them it was fairy dust and would make them all do well. Everyone DID do well that day so it became a tradition. They had one of the top performing nursing classes in the school's history. I do this for the grandchildren when they have something tough or stressful to get through.

It's funny what the brain can do for you.

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