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Why are there no permanent set of directions for posting pictures?????? Tried to find it under search of course no results found. Reading thru pages & pages of topics I saw that there are MANY people on this forum that do not post pics. Tried to print out directions when doodlebug posted her tutorial way back when now I cannot find it but it would not print-I guess only computer literates can post 'cuz it is sure difficult for others to post. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: My son is here & I thought he could post for me & show me how BUT NO DIRECTIONS. There are other permanent topics!?!?!?!?

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Hey, I had trouble with it too. I finally figured it out after reading several different methods. The easiest way for me was to open an account with webshots. It's free. Then upload my photos to webshots. After you get it there, it has a place for posting on a forum and other places. It took me a couple of tries to find the right one for what I needed, but I finally got it. After you have uploaded your photos to web shots, you click on the photo you want to post, and below it, it has 3 different urls for different types of posts. If you are trying to put an avatar on you page, it is the one that says post to a blog I think, but if you are trying to post a photo of a quilt, you choose the one that says post to a forum.


If you leave it like it is, it will be small as above, but if you want, you can change the size of it right abouve where the urls are at. It has 100, 200, 425, 500 and 600. I usually use the 425. Then you highlight the url, and copy. Then come back to the forum and click in your post, and paste the url.


This one is the 425 size. If that isn't clear enough, just send me a u2u and I'll try to explain it better. ;)

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You only need webshots for your avatar.

To post pics of your quilts or pics you have on your computer you do not need a separate account. What you do have to to do is make sure the picture is small enough (without being too small). I find that 800x600 pixels is a good size. And the name you've given the picture can not have any symbols such as apostophes, special symbols, etc. in it. Do this first then put the folder somewhere you can find it or know where it is on your computer.

Then open the forum where you want to put your picture and click on the blue "topic" buttton. It takes you to a different screen. I put in a topic name and I usually type something regarding the pic I'm posting then go down to the little blank spot where it says "browse" beside it. Click on browse and it will bring up folders from your files on your computer. Go to where the picture is and click to open it. It will place the url in that blank spot. Then click "post new topic". It will redirect you to show your post.

See if this works for you as easily as it seems to me. If I missed a step I will go through it again, but this is about as simple as it gets. Don't give up. If it doesn't work for you then we will keep trying until it does. I love to see everyone's pictures.

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Originally posted by Robin

I think I have posting a picture figured out, but how do you post multiple pictures to one post? And how do you all add quotes and links from other posts?

robin - this is how i understand it. you can only post multiple pics in one post using webshots. if you use shannons tute to do it in paint, each pic needs its own post.

if i'm wrong, which is quite possible, someone else will chime in.

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Originally posted by meg

Originally posted by Robin

I think I have posting a picture figured out, but how do you post multiple pictures to one post? And how do you all add quotes and links from other posts?

robin - this is how i understand it. you can only post multiple pics in one post using webshots. if you use shannons tute to do it in paint, each pic needs its own post.

if i'm wrong, which is quite possible, someone else will chime in.

Meg you understand it correctly! If you don't mind adding multiple pictures that is easy too. Post your original topic then go into that topic hig reply and add another picture. Do that for each picture you want to post.

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I don't know if this works the same for pc as mac users, but when I want to post a picture here all I do is find my picture. Use file and go to export. Then a window appears that gives fields to choose, so I choose JPEG in kind box, medium in JPEG Quality box, medium in Size box, name of choice in File Name box. Then I choose what storage file or the desktop to export it to. Then I come here open a topic fresh or use the blue reply button and browse to find the picture, select it, and post it ------ BE SURE to NOT preview the post-----that removes the picture for some reason. If you got the wrong picture you can change it through edit.

I agree, this topic of directions should be in the How to Use this Forum section. along with putting in an avatar. As you can see I haven't tried to mess with that yet. Do you have a good picture of me that should go there??LOL.

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Originally posted by Robin

I think I have posting a picture figured out, but how do you post multiple pictures to one post? And how do you all add quotes and links from other posts?

When you see a post you want to quote just look up in the right hand corner of that post and where it says "edit" and "quote" in blue letters and click on "quote". It opens the "reply" screen again and the post you are quoting will be in the message box. Be sure to scroll down to the end of that message...leave a couple of spaces...write your response then hit "post reply". Then it should show up like you want it too.

For adding links, etc. I just copy and paste the link into my message that I am typing.

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Originally posted by Littleshoes

Oma: I'm sending you a great big ***** KISS**** It worked. Now this forum will get to see what I've been talking about. Yeah! :)

Sometimes it just clicks with you. There are several ways to post pictures and everyone's instructions are good so I'm glad one clicked with you. :P Thanks for the *kiss*. Your welcome.

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