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Are the signatures missing in your posts

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I can't seem to see the handwritten looking signatures we all have in our posts. I know mine is missing. How about all of you? Are you seeing them? If you are then I need to figure out why I'm not seeing them. Hmmmmm.

I got sick of IE9 messing with me so I went back to IE8, but I don't remember if the signatures were doing this before I went back so it might just be me.

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from what i understand, and i am by NO means a techy, but when you come the forum and click on a thread your computer has to go get all the signatures and some computers will just get over loaded and will 'time out' the downloading. the signatures we insert are just the 'code' for the actual signature we see in the posts, so it takes some time for your server to go grab all them.

it's like barney- he will only go get the thrown tennis ball so many times before he gets tired, lays down, and quits :)

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Hmmmmm. I have a pretty fast computer and they have always popped up instantly. I will follow my own advice..."leave it alone and it will probably fix itself" and go paint my room. I'll check it later and see if it's still doing it. Thanks.

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Yesterday I uninstalled IE 9 and went back to IE 8 and that may have caused the glitch. I uninstalled IE 8 this morning and went back to IE 9 and redid my signature now it is showing up and so is everyone elses. Rolling my eyes here...as if I don't have enough going on in my life and I go mess with my computer settings. Pffffttttt!!!

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