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Mums quilt finished plus what not to do

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This quilt was a block of the month from Story Book Quilts in the USA. My Mum did all the applique, satin blanket stitch by hand. Beautiful. My part of the deal was to piece and quilt it. After completing the applique Mum was diagnosed with Kidney cancer, she had the kidney removed but is now suffering from secondary tumors in her lungs. I just finished the quilt on Saturday to give to Mum, mothers day here was Sunday. Happiest I've seen her for ages, it is on her bed and any visitors now get a trip to the bedroom to see the quilt. Makes me happy she is so proud of our joint effort, sad to think there might not be too many more. I made a mistake and used a white on white backing and with all the intense quilting it made one huge mess underneath that required big clean outs all through the quilting process. I thought I'd post as a reminder to others, white on white not the best backing. That's my drought ravaged garden in the background. :(


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Guest Linda S

The quilt and your quilting are gorgeous. I pray your mom will get some good treatment and live to make many more projects with you. Bless you for finishing one of her projects and making her feel so special.

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I love the Asian feel of that 2 color quilt. Beautiful quilting too. And I'll be sure to remember not to get that kind of backer.

And most importantly, I will be praying for your mom and you too. What a great way for you to celebrate Mother's Day - with a new quilt.:)

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Judy, your and your Mom's quilt is beautiful. I think it is part of the Blue WIllow motifs of the china. My mom loved it. Both of you did a beautiful job.

I also like what you in the sashing.

Hope your mom improve and will keep her and your family on my prayers.

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Hey Judy, I love the quilt that you and your mom did together. What a lovely quilt! I am so sorry to hear of your sweet mama's diagnosis, and pray she responds well to treatment and is on the mend real soon. It doesn't matter how old we are or how old our mama's are, they are just not supposed to get sick, are they. Make sure you take good care of yourself too, so you can take care of your mom. (((Hugs)))

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Hi Judy, Will be praying for her. I wanted to thank you for the warning and picture. I assume that's the fabric where the white is painted on. When we took a class in Des Moines with Dawn C. she warned us about that. Good thing she did. Unfortunately I had a bunch of it at home. I will keep this in my favorites in case a client ever brings me some.

I think the appliqué and quilting is beautiful. I have been thinking about trying it for some time. Now I'm definitely inspired to do it.

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