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snappers + zippers?

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After a long fall/winter with no time available to spend with my machine, I'm FINALLY clearing enough time to get started again.

The first thing I need to do is square my leaders, as I had problems with the last quilt I did, and I *think* it was unsquare leaders that caused it. I also had purchased a set of zippers when I bought my machine, but have not yet installed them. I tried once when I first started, but didn't have the extended base and made a mess of it and ripped them out to try again some future time.

The red snappers look really cool, and I notice that some long-time zipper users have converted to them. I've been thinking they might be easier to use than zippers.

My question is: If I decide I want to use the snappers, should I still install the zippers, and then attach the red snappers with mini leaders that zip on, as some of you have done, or do I just skip the zippers all together?

I want to get my machine all spiffed up and ready to go, and I've been putting off this business of leaders/zippers long enough!

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Bonnie I had zippers and have switched to red snappers. I like having mini leaders to attach the red snappers. Really I don't know that it matters if you have the zippers installed or not. Do whatever is easier for you. I've only heard of one person that had problems with the canvas leaders being to heavy for the red snappers.

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I have both too, but only because I already had the zippers when I bought the other things. I don't have red snappers I think mine are leader grips. Anyway, if you haven't been using zippers before then I personally don't think I would mess with it. Just go straight for the snappers cause you are going to like it.

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I just have the red snappers and some quilts still pin to the casing on my leaders. I haven't used zips before.

The only think I find with the red snappers though is that they get a little in the way sometimes when rolling the quilt, and they definitely reduce the quilting space too on my Lenni. So I only use them the machine side for certain quilts. It is nice to have the choice, and they are indeed the fastest loading and unloading !! I put a casing in my regular leaders which came with Lenni, I did find that the extra leader had to be cut off though as it got in the way with loading, looking back am not sure I would have put a casing on the original leaders or not though. Even though I put fray check on the edges, I think in time they will fray still.

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I had been using zippers too. But saw the red snappers/leader grips in action and decided to switch. I got leader grips. Since I already had the zippers sewn on my leaders, I bought some thick twill fabric and extended the leaders so I could put in the leader grips on my zippers. I just zipped the extended leaders with the leader grips on and it is ready to go. I can also unzip them if I decide I want to use zippers too. (I had 3 sets of zippers) I love the leader grips. It is so much quicker to load your quilt. I was using the staples, and this way, I have no staples in my rug or cutting table. I have to raise my bar because it does get caught up in the machine when you first start quilting. I gotta figure out how to raise my bar.

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I am lucky and have the zippers.. would love the leader grips or snap on thingies, but if the rollers won't adjust, I guess I can't use them. Right? How hard are both of them on the hands.. do you gals with painful arthritis have problems with the grips thingies??


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I had a quilt that had only 4 inches extra on the length, so I sewed on a piece of fabric that was about 6 inches wide (basted it) then I didn't have problems with the leader grip hitting the machine. I guess I need to ask for 10 inches on the length so I can clear the plastic grips. It is definitely easier to use the grips than zippering or pinning. check out this website.


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