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are casters the right choice?

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I will be moving my machine to my new studio in a few weeks. I will be disassembling it to do that. (I probably will be sending the machine in for a spa treatment and also upgrading to the Bliss system at the same time)

I have 2 locations within the room that my machine will fit. I am wondering if having casters would be a wise choice for ease in moving my machine or if those furniture moving pads that I've heard about here would be the best choice.

I have hydraulics installed and will be keeping them on since I use them often.

Any advise or suggestions?

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I have castors and it is great for moving, unfortunately I never hit the same spot in my room for levellness, so when I move to a larger studio (Monday !!! Yeay !!!) I will go back to the normal feet and leave in a static place. I may put furniture sliders under though instead. I am looking forward also to the drop in height, as like Sylvia it is too tall for me really with the castors on.

Happy moving in day with your studio !!! I have carpet arriving in mine on Monday, then it is all go from there !!

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Well, I'm 5'1" so tall isn't good! My floor is wood laminate. I want to keep the hydraulics so I guess casters are out.

Where does one get the furniture sliders? I'll probably do that then.

Oh, and Lucy, why do you need the carpet squares under the sliders because of Bliss?


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The casters are great to move, but they do add about 4 inches to the height. So with you being so tiny it more than likely will flustered you in a few days. I have them on my moveable 7 foot show table but I wouldn't want them on my 14 foot and I'm almost 5'6". And your right they don't work at all with the hydraulic system.

And I also ask Lucy why?

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Laurie, why do you need to move your table around? I have a 14 footer, and frankly I moved my table once and it was a pita. I hesitate to push that thing around at all because I fear I could risk and "tweak" the table frame a bit. I don't want to tweak or bend the table frame moving it around a lot...! So, it stays put.

So... considering that, what about other options to avoid moving your table around? Perhaps you could set the table at an angle in the room? Sometimes that gives you more work space in front/back. Think of all the options to get the best use of your work space.

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Well, I don't think I will get the casters. That's fine. I think the furniture thingys will work fine for what I need.

Shana - my room is 16 x 20 so I have the option of two walls that will fit my machine. I haven't decided which wall to use. I would either face out the sliding door to the backyard, or face the new doors into the dining room. One direction will give me longer floor space with plenty of room on either end of the frame and the other direction will give me a more square floor space and less space on each end of the frame. I just wanted to be able to try each space for a while to see how I like it the best!

I will take more pictures and post them soon..... I can't wait til you all see how many outlets I have and where they are located!

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Just bought a bunch of those furniture sliders at Lowes as we installed wood laminate downstairs and we didn't want to be sliding furniture across the new flooring. Good luck with your set up. How exciting to have a new studio.

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