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Mother's Day for my Studio

Busy Quilting

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Love your new table, and the little white sewing machine on it!!!

Wish my room or studio was bigger!!!but can't complain!!!

I am looking for something for my room, we went out yesterday, and of course the store is closed (forever)!!!

Have a great day

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Love the table and the little white featherweight, too. I have four black featherweights. All have different badges. But I don't have a white one yet. My sister found a white featherweight in perfect condition with a nice case in a thrift store and paid $25 for it. I want a deal like that!

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I'd love to get a deal like that for a white featherweight. They were never available in Australia so I have to pay almost $200 to get them posted from the UK.

I usually treat them with respect. This one is presently my bobbin winder as I am waiting for a motor for the Turbo WInder.


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