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Have I told you lately how much I love . . .

Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

My M&M wheels, my new brake, and Magna Glide bobbins? :D I just finished a 120" square (and I use the term loosely) quilt. It took me nearly 2.5 weeks to quilt it (dang 40 hour + job!), and when I got right down to the end, needing to deliver it to my customer by 5:00 tonight, I was amazed at the advantages afforded me by my hew technology. 1) I never had to worry about tension throughout, because those magna glide bobbins ROCK!, 2) after doing all of my SID, that new brake did a great job of holding that HUGE and unwieldy quilt, 3) I discovered that I can really rock a no-mark, no-spine feathered border thanks to my wonderful M&M wheels. I don't think I've ever made feathers so pretty, and I have my new wheels to thank for them. Unfortunately, I had to rip the quilt from the frame and get it to my customer. She said she'll take a pic after she binds it.

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Linda, I just added the M & M wheels too. Actually Dave Jones added them when he was here after MQX doing maintenance on my machine. I haven't gotten a chance to do any feathers with them yet but their day is coming soon. I do find they're as smooth as a good scotch. But I don't drink and drive, no telling how the feathers would come out then.

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Guest Linda S

Those wheels are definitely the bomb! I can't believe the difference they have made in my quilting. It's like having an entirely different machine. I loved my Liberty before, but now it's just an incredible machine! :)

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Guest Linda S

I didn't get a chance to take pictures of the whole quilt, but did snap a few pics of it in process as I was going. My client needs to deliver it on Wednesday, so I stayed up till 2:30 on Friday night, got up at 7:00 yesterday, and finished it at 4:40 p.m. I had to meet her at 5, so I only had time to rip it from the frame and run out of the house, still in my slippers, no bra, and without a shower (ewwww). I was so impressed with those wheels as I whipped out 480" of no mark spineless feathers for a border, as I had no time to mark anything. I didn't know I could quilt like that!! Believe me, without those wheels, it would not have happened. I'm a mark everything gal.

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Guest Linda S

Well, the pics I took didn't come out so great but here are a few that turned out okay. One is the whole bottom border (or borders). I did ribbon candy and then worked with the fabric (Laurel Burch horses) for the quilting. The second pic is of the outlining of the horses, which I did very fast and would not have been able to handle without those wonderful wheels!


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Guest Linda S

Shannon told us all about the great new brake a while back. Here is a link to her post with pictures of the old and new:


Oh - I forgot to say, I think the new brake is about $40-45. Can't remember now what I paid.

Magna-Glide bobbins have a little magnet at their core which stops the backlash that will sometimes give you loopies or eyelashes on the back of your quilts. You get them from Fil-Tec http://www.bobbincentral.com

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Thank you Linda! I went to both links and checked out those brake pictures. My old Ultimate I never had a brake... that I am aware of. I was the 2nd owner and knew nothing about long arms when I got it... and I'm still learning! Your quilting is gorgeous!!!

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Linda - I have the M&M wheels and they are great, however I can't imagine how the other wheels everyone is using work because I never had them. I'm drooling over the Bliss now and tried it at MXQ and can't wait till I can afford to replace my machine with it! That will be such a sweet set up! I totally agree with the Magna Glide thread and pre-wound bobbins. Whenever I put a quilt on my frame I go to my thread box to pick thread and I always choose the Magna Glide because I know I'm not going to have any tension problems. Especaially when I'm in a rush to get a quilt done!

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