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Town Anniversary Quilt

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Hi all,

Been very busy, but wanted to share this quilt with you. Christal Carter (quilter & painter) was commissioned to design and make this quilt for a 150 year town anniversary (2012). It is going to be raffled as a fund raiser. Some of you may remember her from the 80's, log cabin queen as I like to call her. She published quilt books and patterns.

Everything in this quilt represents the history of the town. The buildings were all from photos in a book in the town museum. The bear stands in the museum. The fruits are all grown in the area, and the products were all produced in the area. One of her specialties is converting photos to quilts. She also adds embroidery embellishments. The detail in the quilt is stunning in person. Pics just don't compare. Building names and famous people from the area are hand embroidered on a strip that will lay next to the binding.

She actually has made 2 of these (one she'll keep). Her personal one will hang in the museum for 1 yr. if the winner of the first one doesn't want to hang it for that period of time. I quilted the first one and told her to see if there's anything she didn't like so we could change it on hers. She liked what I did and doesn't want me to change anything. That was a relief! Whenever my directions are, "Do what you want" on an artists's quilt, I truly hope my vision for the quilting matches their vision. It can be scary hoping they like what you did!:o

I so like her applique work and thought you would enjoy seeing it!






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I added the corner to the first post because I didn't know how to add a pic to this quick reply.

I wanted to keep the scallop look because that's one of the things that was important to Christal. The quilt is named something about a sunrise, so I tried to get the scallops to look like suns. The brown area I just used a curved ruler and kinda made a curved "V" to follow the scallops. The time consuming part of this quilt was all the outlining on the buildings with monopoly. Lots of starts and stops. Thought I'd never finish that! The rest was easy.

Thanks for all the nice comments! The real work was all that applique and designing that Christal had to do!

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