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NQR - A real true story - this is long.

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The Saga that was my life last night! (A night like no other and no other shall ever be)

Last night I took my meds and crawled into bed beside Mike as I always do. As I lay there tossing and turning evading sleep someone insisted I get up to go pee. I thought it was Mike at first but now I know it was God. He insisted I get up and pee so I did. There was only the light from the TV as I made my way back and forth to the potty. When I arrived back at my appointed side of the bed I readied myself to climb in (it is a tall bed) when I noticed a very large black shadowy spot on the dust ruffle. I almost ignored it and went on about my business but once again God said to turn on the lamp and examine that dark spot. Now I must break in here and say I am not the best housekeeper in the land but no large black spots have ever appeared on my bedding. So, I turned on the lamp and bent over a bit to check out the large dark spot on my bedding. It was a SPIDER, no not a spider, it was a SPIDER!!! It was the biggest hairiest SPIDER I have ever set my eyes upon. Upon discovery of him, I jumped back and screeched, “Spider!!!!!” Now Mike is a reasonable man but getting up from a warm comfy bed to become a spider killer is not his cupa tea! So, grumbling as he walked, he made his way to my side of the bed. Now, I could only see the side of his face as he also discovered the world’s largest SPIDER (we are talking Book of Records here)! He didn’t actually say anything but I could tell that his right eye had bulged out from its socket about 3 inches. “Where did that darned thing come from?” (Sit, like I know, perhaps he was there to borrow my brush.) I know, he was really there to climb into bed with me once I was asleep (I would have had to move over to make room for him.) At this point Mike goes in search of a shoe to whack him with. I am thinking, if the SPIDER runs I will lose sight of him and then will never be able to enter this room again as long as I shall live. I mean, the only thing worse that a huge black hairy SPIDER that you can see is a huge black hairy SPIDER that you can’t see!!!! Having found the weapon, Mike made his way back round the bed and I heard a Whack and then another and another. It seemed the SPIDER would not go down without a fight. Finally, Mike tossed the shoe aside and climbed back into bed. I was left to deal with the corpse and whatever it was he had eaten that was now liquefied! It looked like a crime seen only the blood was black!! EEEwwwww!!! I got a wet towel and cleaned up the area. I am thinking I might just burn that towel later today. I hope he was a loner. I hope he had no siblings with him to my house. Only time will tell!!!!

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Sylvia, didn't you know that was your inspiration spider. He comes out at night and telepathically feeds your brain super quilting ideas. Once in the trance he can't move and becomes an easy target. The only way you can keep the inspiration going if he should meet his doom is to eat him! Good greif I'm terrible LOL--Dave B

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Oh my, Sylvia, I would have been spooked, too!

From your description it sounds like a tarantula which was most likely non-poisonous and people keep them as pets. Nevertheless, I would have been spooked, too!

In our area we have them and I'm told there is a tarantula migration every fall and the roads are covered with them. We've been here 5 years and I've never seen more than one at a time, however the locals say the tarantulas become a road hazard for the bikers.

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Yuck, Oh, How I wish you had grabbed a cellphone or camera and gotten a picture of him! Thank you Lord for letting Sylvia get out of bed and find this hairy creature. I think I would have gone and slept on the couch anyway, just incase he had invited others to the pajama party!! I hate spiders, I woke up once at my sons house and had spider bites on both hands and I never even felt or saw them, I was sleeping on the couch he said they have alot of wolf spiders. My hand was swollen for a few days. So Yes, I too hate Spiders of any kind!!:(

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That is the worst thing I have ever heard - how in the world did you even go back to sleep? I would have been looking under the bed and everything else with a flashlight looking for friends! I absolutely HATE spiders - had a big brown barn spider bite the back of my leg last summer while sitting outside on a rocker and now I keep my outside furniture sprayed with insecticide! Do you keep your windows open? I'll bet with all of the rain your area must be having (that's what the news says...) the water is driving them inside!!! YUCK!! YUCK! YUCK!!!

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Sorry Sylvia, can't stop laughing. After i was widowed I was laying in bed watch tv and the spider going across the ceiling, and it wasn't very big, but bigger then I wanted to share my bed with and I had ten foot ceiling. So knocked it down with a towel, and then had to look for it.

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Yea, we have those too. We even have scorpions as well. Even though the scorpions aren't that big, they still make you stand back while they are clinging to the wall in the hallway. The things that I don't like are the millipedes. Not only are they gross looking, but their fast too and very strong. They even pack a nasty bite. Yeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zeke..............

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I don't like any of them; I don't want to share my space with any of them; I just want them to go someplace else! If we had large numbers of tarantulas I would just have to move - not to mention the scorpions!!! The only thing we ever have here are tiny black ants. They don't sting or smell but they invade. We finally found a "cure" for them. It is now time to call the bug man (don't like to do that because of the dogs).

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Oh Sylvia. I came out in a cold sweat just reading of your 'adventure'. I know I could not have crawled back into bed. I was living alone in a very old house in England many years ago. It was very close to farmland. In late summer when the wheat was being harvested enormous (to me but not tarantula sized) spiders would come into the house. If 1 was on the ceiling I could not sleep in that room. I woke up 1 morning to find a large spider corpse next to me - I must have rolled on it in the night - Eeewww.....Definitely call the bug man. Mine has something that is safe for the cats so hopefully your dogs will be OK.

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I came home from MQS and my husband met me at the door and said I might not want to sit on the couch because Bubba was in there. Bubba? Yep, a big wolf spider. Lane said he was so big, he needed to be named. He got away from DH but was still in there somewhere. After a couple of days, I forgot about Bubba and Lane and I were watching a movie when I saw a huge dark spot by the couch. I looked at Lane and asked if that was Bubba. Yes, it was. We almost needed pall-bearers to carry the body out.

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You're braver than I am, I would not have been sleeping in that bed last night! Not until I had thoroughly searched for his relatives and sprayed every surface in sight with insecticide. I've seen a couple very small spiders in my sewing room and on the front porch recently, I'm talking less than a quarter inch wide, tiny.....but I've already purchased insecticide so I can spray for bugs, inside and out. I don't do bugs, and I REALLLLLLLLY don't do spiders!

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I would have been out of the room! No way. I normally won't kill a spider but something that big I'm not willing to share with and hairy, no way! My daughters boyfriend would have died on the spot! LOL he won't go near any spider no matter how small. It is very humerous. We tease him all the time. I can tell you he would have never gotten in that bed again. I'm with Vicki I would have had to strip that entire bed to make sure there were no brothers or sisters hanging around.

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Guest Linda S

Spiders really creep me out, but I have now begun to slide some paper under them, put a glass over them, and carry them outside for release. I guess part of me is afraid some day I'll come back as a spider! Also, I don't like having to clean up the bug guts. I just want them gone.

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Brings back memories ! Went to Mexico with a quilter friend with 10 others, stayed around the country in really nice "haciendas" looking at local crafts. Great trip, scenic, wonderful until the evening I woke from a nap before going out for late dinner: On the high ceiling above my HEAD a huge mama spider was releasing baby spiders: Hundreds of them , each with a sticky line, leading straight for my screaming self.....I would not go back to that bed, slept in a chair in a hall....hoping there weren't more. I've always appreciated my oldest cat, "James Bond, license to lick" British shorthair, he LOVES to eat all the small spiders we might get in the front hall.....No spiders in his house. :D Pat

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OH MY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think I'm going to have nightmares now. I HATE, HATE, HATE, did I say HATE spiders of any kind and right next to them would be ants......creepy crawlers of any kind are not my friends. This just gives me the creeeeeps. I admire your hubby for the spider smack down. And I wondered too, how did you crawl back into bed nor would I ever been able to go back to sleep. I'm glad that His voice woke you up.

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PLEEEEESE, PLEEEESE, please give me warning next time anyone is going to post a spider photo. That wolf spider brought me out in a cold sweat and I'm still recovering. I found a smallish, nickel sized spider on the wall in my studio this afternoon. I can't stand spiders but hate squishing them so I brushed it off the wall with 1 of my quilt samples which was to hand. I didn't see where it went and have been imagining & feeling that spider on my head ever since. My hair is now standing on end from me brushing that (imaginary) spider out of my hair all afternoon.

Sylvia, good luck tonight!

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