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Removing blue from embroidery blocks

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Can anyone tell me the best way to remove the blue out of an embroideried quilt top for a baby quilt. I havent quilted it yet, I thought someone said the blue would go into the batting and keep reappering if you tried to remove it after quilting it. do you use cold water, or hot, soap or no soap? HELP PLEASE

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Hi Roxie,

If the blue marks were the ones printed on the fabric at the factory, find the instructions on-line or with the packaging for removal. Be advised to never apply heat--either from the dryer, an iron, a hot, sunny window, or a hot car--before you remove the marks. Also, the older the marks are, the harder they are to remove. Some laundry detergents contain phosphates and should be avoided as well because they can turn the marks brown--find a gentle detergent like Ivory Snow or Dreft when you launder to remove the marks. The vintage embroidered items you find at antique shops and garage sales sometimes still have the marks under the embroidery after years of laundering.

Search the archives here--seems like there were lots of recommendations a couple of years ago for this problem.

If the marks are from a blue, water-erase pen, remove by soaking the entire quilt in the coldest water--cover completely. Spritzing with water will sometimes push the blue into the batting and it can reappear on the top side later.

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