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Memorial Day is a day of giving Thanks...

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Posted on FB by my son, the Marine, Police Officer, great husband, father, son and incredible person:

"They didn't join to die. They joined because they believed they could make a difference. They were called to service. They didn't just believe in freedom, they were freedom. They pledged their allegiance to it. They did it for their family, friends and country. They deserve your respect. Give it to them by honoring them. Only then may you enjoy your BBQ. They gave the ultimate sacrifice. What have you done?"

THANK YOU! to all who have served and to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Thoughts to ponder on the Memorial Day weekend... It's why we get to do what we do...

Luv -b

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Many of us have been touched by the loss of a loved one in the service to the USA. My uncle, my dad's twin brother was killed in the pacific in WWII. He served in the Army Air ostCorps. I write this to honor his memory and his family's loss.

Post about your family member that you are honoring for their sacrifice.

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This day is special for our family every year, more so this year, my youngest son goes off to basic training with the Air Force this Friday. We will miss him but know he has the desire to serve, has had it through college years, still wants to.....so off he goes to Texas !!

Bless all those who serve, and their families who serve in their own ways also. :):) Pat

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