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I am so stuck...Help please!

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This quilt has me totally stumped! I was originally thinking QZ in the circles, but some of them are not large enough. Then I was thinking feathers around the smaller ones and still QZ in others? Please, if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!!


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I think you could do QZ spiro motifs in the plain squares...the same motif in both large red and large polka-dot blocks. If you can size the motif down and put the same one in all the small plain blocks, you could do that...or use a different spiro in the small blocks. In the blocks with the circles in them, you could just cross-hatch the whole block, corner to corner, right over the circles. I don't see feathers on this quilt, but that's just me. Borders...not sure. Maybe beadboard across the two borders as if they were one unit. Crosshatch in the corner squares. To me, this quilt looks graphic, and spiros would go well with it. I guess it depends on the level of qulting she wants. If she will pay for custom, that's what I'd do. An overall isn't going to do much for this quilt, since there isn't much to the quilt to begin with.

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This is one of my favorites. It's spiral circles randomly placed, different sizes and overlapping. In between the circles are straight lines, also randomly directed horizontal or vertical. I can see it, or a variation of it, on your red top.

It was a ton of starts and stops, but worth the effort.


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