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I just REALLY do NOT want to go to work today!!! It's another rainy day and I simply want to stay home & sew. I want to get this top done to put on my "Pizza Baby"!!!! I have another quilt to make for a different customer. I just want to stay home & work on what I want to work on. I can't wait for Saturday!! Next week I go back to my 4 day work week that should help. Knowing I have to work tomorrow also just makes this harder.

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Originally posted by LinneaMarie

Hey! I wish I had a job! .............well, sometimes!! hahaha

I know what you mean though, even when we go away for a weekend, I want to stay home and sew or quilt! We ARE addicted! :P:P

no you don't! I would love to have some extra time to do some for me. 40 hours a week does you in.
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I have to say, I LOVE BEING HOME ALL DAY~~ It sucks as to why I'm home all day, and sometimes having this disorder is a real drag but I really do like being home. So I can understand why you hate going to work just think though, someday you can look foward to retirement. :)

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I didn't go to work today. But my 14 year old had 8th grade promotion and I have in-laws arriving from North Dakota in an hour. I've been cleaning all day and yesterday too. I'm so glad school is out:) I can hopefully find quilting time during my summer off.

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Oh my, I know the grass is always greener syndrome. When I was working I wanted time for ME. Now that I am not working I wish I had a paycheck! It would be nice to stay home and have me time when we wanted to and have work to go to for a few days when we need cash. I guess discontent is part of the human condition that we have to struggle with.

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Sharon, I know what you mean. I currently work full time and quilt very part time, however, I am thinking of taking an early (62) retirement in December to babysit 3 grandchildren. I'm so tired of the stress of my job, but am afraid that by spring I'll be wishing I was working and bringing in a paycheck. Well, not he "work" part, but definately the paycheck part.

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Originally posted by Stagecl

I would love to see a little rain! We are hot, hot and hot...about 97 degrees with the humidity it is about 104 degrees! Yesterday was 94 degrees! Thankfully there is air conditioning!

I'm from eastern Montana and we are flooding! We have had so much rain this spring and I want some sunshine. I know there is a lady from Ft Peck on this forum and I wonder how she is doing. The Ft Peck dam is so full and they have to let water out which will cause more flooding downstream on the Missouri River. I think there are five dams on the Missouri and the same problem is happening on all of them. I'm praying for all the families who are or will lose their homes.

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Lisa and Smithsewnian, please send your cooler wet weather this was for a day or two. My grass is drying up:o I planted 10 trees, 6 grape vines, 1 peach tree, 5 blueberry bushes and 1 cherry bush this year. Keeping them alive would be easier if we could get a good rain at least once a week. Then I could be in quilting instead of outside watering:o

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Originally posted by Linda S

And 40 hours a week after you've retired really sucks! Especially when you work for a bunch of clueless PhDs!

I so know how you feel!!!! It can be very frustrating. I often wonder how people that are so educated can have so little common sense and basic daily skills. Cracks me up when I say something and they look at me like I'm a genius. Hilarious. The flip side of that is they sometimes think they know everything about everything and fight you on everything. That is the part of my job I hate. I am often the "no" person and they don't like it at all. I'm so looking forward to retiring but 6 years seems like a super long time. In the meantime I'll keep saving for retirement so that I can retire. Even retired I won't even just sit around and I'm sure I'll be busy but hopefully I won't feel like I have to have every second of my day planned.

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My DH doesn't have a PhD, but he is extremely smart that the common sense stuff is difficult. I have come to the conclusion that the reason the simply stuff is so hard is because really smart people think it is more complicated than what it is, so simplicity is not an option for them...there has to be more. :o:o:):o:o

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Guest Linda S

Actually, I not only work with professors, I work with the graduate students who are on their way to getting PhDs. Most of these kids are very sensible. However, when they go over to hand in their dissertation at the Graduate School, I always ask them how they are going to get their hair cut? They look at me curiously, and I tell them -- "you do realize that they are about to suck out half your brain!" :P It's too true.

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Linda...you're funny. I used to work three jobs then I got hurt and coudn't work. Everyone said I'd be bored within a week and would want to be back at work. Well, that was ten years ago and I've not been bored one single moment of one single day. When you don't have to spend hours at work you have lots of time to figure out how to work your finances so you can buy the stuff you want. It all works out. It helped that I had a very supportive husband who continued to work until last year. Now he's retired and he loves it too.

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Well I retired at 44 due to having to handle 2 estates and 5 houses in 3 states. What a nightmare, I didn't have time to work, then it got to where I could quilt and sew alot of the time, then the darn kid bought a foreclosure with major issues and gee mom is his general contractor. I haven't had time to quilt trying to redo this house, we didn't plan on taking it clear to the studs and rewiring the whole house, sheetrock, paint, tile and the list just won't end. Then he crushes his hand and can't do a thing for 3 weeks. Gee even I could still cook or stain molding. He just wanted sympathy. Don't get me wrong, it was bad, but no broken bones, just split the skin to the tendons on 3 fingers. They said keep it elevated. So he sat on the couch with it on his head. they would have asked me what was for dinner, aren't you going to clean house and do laundry.

Okay, I'm off my soap box. If momma don't do it it don't get done!!!


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Yeah its Saturday!!

Sunny & warmer, Went to bed last nite feeling like I am coming down with something-Woke up this AM & I was right! I REFUSE to let it stop me! I WILL SEW & QUILT TODAY!! I will Not do housework-DH will fire up the BBQ & thats dinner!

Yeah it's Saturday!!!:)

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Too bad you can't send the rain to Carlsbad, we have been 266 ? days without any moisture, talk about dry, and now the smoke from the Arizona fires is coming to the south of NM, makes for nasty time to be outside, does that mean I should stay inside and do my thing?? sewing and/or quilting...you betcha!!

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