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NQR Maddie turns 4

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Hi All. I just wanted to share a few pictures of Maddie's birthday. We don't get to see her too much and it kills me but this afternoon was about perfect! I hadn't seen her in almost 4 weeks. When she got here I ran right out and saw that big beautiful smile and she wrapped her little arms around my neck and wouldn't let go...ok I wouldn't let go either! I kept giving her kisses and telling her how much I missed her. She would say, "I missed you too Aunt Heidi." We finally got to have her birthday celebration. For those of you who don't know her mother wouldn't let her come 3 weeks ago the day before her birthday and she stopped her 30 minutes before they left. Broke all of our hearts. My daughter had made her the prettiest cake but mostly we just wanted to see Maddie.

Here are a few pictures and I know I'm a little prejudice but I think she is gorgeous! Love her little smile.

This is the dress I smocked for her. Red is her favorite color and it looks so pretty on her don't you think? She loved how it twirled


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Guest Linda S

Oh Wonderful Pictures! That is one beautiful little girl, and I'm so glad you got to see her. It's sad that she lives with such a mean mother. I cannot even imagine.

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OH, Heidi, she is so very precious!!! I love the red dress you made for her, and it sure looks like she loves it, too. The Barbie dress was certainly a hit. Oh, and the awesome cake your daughter made is just perfect. What a special day you had! Maddie is so lucky to have you and your family to love her and take such good care of her (when you are allowed by her Mother).

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Thanks Linda. It is really sad what her mother has done. I was giving her her bath and she said, "Aunt Heidi?" I said, "Yes honey." She says, "I'm going to miss you." It broke my heart and took all my power not to cry! Just kills me. I assured her that I will always be here for her and all she had to do was call. I told her she could even tell mommy to call me for her. BIL will be brining her one of his days every week because it broke his heart too. She is the most precious little girl and I love her with all my heart. How could you not? She told her daddy on the way home that it was the best birthday ever! I hope she tells her mommy that too. I really do wish her mother would get over this. It just isn't fair to her.

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Thanks Sandra. I know she is getting to the age where she will remember things and I pray that we don't have to go through this much longer.

I can't resist. Here is the front of the Barbie cake. The 'p' in happy is missing because daughter had already given Maddie a taste before I could get a picture. Maddie loved eating letter.


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I am so happy you has this wonderful time with Maddie. My best friend has gone through a horrid and similar situation for years (Jessica is now 18). Is all I can tell you is that Ommy (my best friend) is the mainstay of Jessica's life and Jessica knows it. The younger sister is 12 and figuring it out - Ommy is always there. Hang in there with all your love and devotion and Maddie will know in her heart! I was the proud piecer/quilter for Jessica's graduation/college quilt - lots of love involved - even added Jeesica's name in Ommy's own handwriting using chenille - really looked great.

PS - Jessica calls Ommy whenever she wants as does Shell (little sister) - it won't be long until Maddie is old enough for a phone you pay for!!!!

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Oh gosh I am at a loss for words. All of you above have said everything so perfectly. OK I thought of one: Heidi you are an angel and shining light in this little girls's life.

Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. It's awesome and surely you have captured any little girl's dream birthday party. :)

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Originally posted by DoryJM

Sounds like the court hearing went well. How often does your BIL get to see her? More regularly now?

Dory, No court did not go well. It was just a pre-trial hearing and nothing was settled. They did however change the trial day to the end of Aug. instead of July 5th! Her mother is still playing her games and she and her lawyer "have decided that BIL can only have her 48 hours a week." That is not what the current agreement says and I hope the judge gets really ticked about it. BIL will no doubt be filing more violations. Her mother further changed it to only Thursday's and Friday's and we think that is because she knows I work those days and wouldn't be able to see her. Little does she know that I'd change my work day to see her! Really just gets me so upset but mostly for Maddie. It is obvious that it is impacting her. As she got closer to leaving she kept telling me how much she was going to miss me. I just kept telling her I was always here and to ask her mommy to call me. I cried after she left and still cry hearing her say those words. She is just the sweetest most wonderful little girl and she certainly doesn't deserve this. We do know that she is spending time with her mother's mother who is up in the area for the summer. Just wish we could track the days somehow. Her mother doesn't really want her all the time she just wants the money and control. She is keeping her from her own father and giving her to her mother!

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I'm fairly new here so don't know all the background of what has happened in the past. I do know from just observing the past couple of months that you are an amazing person who is full of love. The memories she took home with her of all the love you showed her will stay with her forever. You're setting a wonderful example for her.

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Originally posted by Susan Grady


I'm fairly new here so don't know all the background of what has happened in the past. I do know from just observing the past couple of months that you are an amazing person who is full of love. The memories she took home with her of all the love you showed her will stay with her forever. You're setting a wonderful example for her.

Susan - Long story short - We started taking care of Maddie Thrus. - Sun. about 1 1/2 years ago. She was then 2 1/2. My BIL and Maddie's mother had separated and her mother worked weekends and BIL works a 12 hour day 3 - 5 days a week so there was nobody for Maddie on the weekends except BIL and if he had worked a night shift her mother thought he could still take care of Maddie. We made the offer for her to come stay with us. Our children are long grown up. Maddie of course wrapped us around her little finger by the end of the first night. She is just the sweetest child. There were issues with child support and BIL petitioned to change it. That was when Maddie's mother decided to keep her from us. Unfortunately the only one losing is Maddie. I can only imagine what goes on in her mind and with the way she is when we see her I know she thinks about it. I just keep assuring her that I love her and I'm here for her. She has her own room at our house and of course her own toys, books, bike, etc. Since her mother decided to keep her from us and even BIL he was forced to go back to court and petition for custody. There have also been other instances where the police and CPS were involved. It has been a really rough couple of months. The custody hearing isn't until Aug. 30th and we're just praying that BIL can get primary and he can have more control on her care. We just want her to have the happy stable life she deserves. It is so sad when parents have to make their lives as miserable as their own. The kids are the losers.

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