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Good morning WeightWatchers!

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I've already ridden in to meeting and gotten weighed in. Earned 10 PPV (points plus values) in the process. However, now I'm having my post ride snack that is 5 PPV, so I'm not exactly coming out ahead. But it's 10am, and I've gotten a 30 mile ride in already!

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The new system is based on the latest science. Think about what else in your life has changed in the past 10 years. Do you still carry a cell phone the size of a brick? I see that you drive a Freedom SR with Bliss. There's a bit of an improvement in technology in the past 10 years!

The new Points Plus is different, and some people are having difficulty making the change. It's a new language, even if the old language served you well. Just like your machine worked great pre-Bliss, it's so much better now, isn't it?

I'd go and check out a meeting and see what you think. You never know until you try!

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I haven't decided if I'll actually go back to meetings but my diet started today! I'm going to workout when I get home I hope. I think I broke my toe last night! LOL I will do what I can but I finally feel like I'm kinda in control of the food which is half the battle! Here's to hoping the 40 extra pounds come off as easy as they went on! LOL I keep calling them MIL weight and that is enough to make me want them gone!:D:D:D

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on old point system i had 19 points...now up to 29.. foods do have a higher value, b ut with free fruit, you make the choice ofhaving that so you dont use extra points...protien is now in favor.....when they switched over to new program...I gave up using all those fake fibers and the fake sweetners...things are better without them....

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Meg & Linda that is a good tip! I feel like I'm going to float away today! LOL I think I'm up to about 50 oz so far today!

sometimes it is absolutley tedious making sure you drink enuf water. i count coffee and tea to help me get to my 8 glasses/day.

they say you can never have too much....of course, they are not dealing with my old, worn out bladder!!!


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Originally posted by fabric007

on old point system i had 19 points...now up to 29.. foods do have a higher value, b ut with free fruit, you make the choice ofhaving that so you dont use extra points...protien is now in favor.....when they switched over to new program...I gave up using all those fake fibers and the fake sweetners...things are better without them....

I like the new Points Plus system. I used to get 23 pts and now I get 29, but as you say, foods cost more points, too. I do like the FREE fruit part.

Black coffee, tea, unsweetened soda, milk........all count towards your liquids. Another good thing.

A lady in my WW group was told by her doctor that Crystal Light lemonade is very good for preventing kidney stones ! How about that ??? ;)

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Meg lol yeah these bladders sure don't last! OK I'm really good on the drinking thing if I get to count my coffee :P:P:P!

I'm so proud of myself. I came home and did my workout!!!! I got Jillian Michael's new Shred dvd and she is a killer but I know it works. It is a 30 minute workout and I can work that in most of the time. I did her old Shred workout the last time I lost 30 pounds before my sons wedding. I was cursing myself today as I did it for not continuing it for the last year. I had surgery on my foot a year ago and right before the wedding my doctor banned me from working out. That is not good to say to somebody that would do anything to get out of working out!!! I stopped and didn't go back. Now I've packed on the pounds. I need to get back in shape so I will suffer and cuss Jillian as I go. LOL Good thing she can't hear me because I'm sure she'd make it hurt more!!!!

OK my challenge this week is to workout 4 days! Anybody else up for the challenge?

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I've been walking 5-6 days a week 2 1/2 to 3 miles each time for about a month now. So I'm definitely up for the challenge. Have I lost anything yet? NO because I can't get control of my eating and don't drink enough water. Do I feel better? Yes, my stamina is much better. Good luck everyone!

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OK my challenge this week is to workout 4 days! Anybody else up for the challenge?

OK Heidi.............you made me do it ! I will TRY to workout more this week. No promises. I have a very nice Gazelle thingy sitting here along with resistance cords and several DVDs. They collect dust. The grandkids think it's fun.

I'm not brave enough to tackle a Jillian DVD. I bow to you !!!! :P I go for the easy going DVDs aimed at Seniors ! haha

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I really like the new Points Plus program-especially the free fruit! I rarely eat all my points, unless I add in a WW ice cream dessert occasionally. I had done WW Online on and off for about 10 years, mostly off. I joined WW at Work 3 weeks ago, and have lost over 6 lbs; I weigh in again tomorrow. I find I really need the accountability of going to meetings and seeing people I work with during the week. I still struggle with getting my exercise in tho-too little time, and much easier to justify quilting with my limited time after working!

Also love being able to count my coffee in the liquids!

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Originally posted by VIVIANMABLE

OK my challenge this week is to workout 4 days! Anybody else up for the challenge?

OK Heidi.............you made me do it ! I will TRY to workout more this week. No promises. I have a very nice Gazelle thingy sitting here along with resistance cords and several DVDs. They collect dust. The grandkids think it's fun.

I'm not brave enough to tackle a Jillian DVD. I bow to you !!!! :P I go for the easy going DVDs aimed at Seniors ! haha

OK Linda all you can do is try. You know Jillians workouts aren't like super complicated and she does 3 minutes strenght, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute abs and you do that for 3 cycles. She tells you the whole time to not worry about being perfect and to just keep moving. Good thing cause I sure as heck was not perfect! I will say that if you stick with it you will notice a lot of approvement quickly. I did the last time I did it and was amazed how much stronger I felt after only a few weeks. Trust me at first my muscle quiver and shake and I think what the heck am I doing but you definitely sweat and get lots of muscle. I do her because she pushes you. I've also ordered the 10 minute workout by beachbody's. They have a Power 90 that I used to do and it really worked as well I just don't have an hour to workout right now. I'm going to mix it up and try to do at least one small workout a day and walk. I hope that helps melt this 40 pounds off quicker. It sure doesn't take this long to pack it on!!!!:mad::mad::mad:

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i walk almost daily 2+ miles with frannie - she makes me do it. i just can't look at her sitting by the backdoor with that sad face and say 'no.' if its rainy, or in the winter, i ride the elliptical. i much prefer getting outside and walking, so this time of year is my favorite. when the weather gets hot, i try to get up and out by 7am when it's still cool out. i do not enjoy being sweaty.

like cindy says, i may not lose any weight, but i'm not gaining either. and i sure feel better. my stamina is much better and so is my mood. in the beginning, i felt hungrier. but that passed, and now i really miss it if i can't get a walk in. honest. and i was also a girl who would do almost anything to get out of a work out. stick with it - the older we get the more we need to keep moving!!!

i'm proud of all of us for encouraging each other ~ just another reason to love this apqs forum.

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Well, I'm not going to get to my WW meeting this morning. There is water over the highway between here and town due to 3 - 4 " of rain overnight ! I could detour around on the gravel roads, but they will be a soggy mess. I hate to miss my WW meeting, but that's the way it goes. I did weigh on my scale and have lost 2.2 # !!!!! YAYYYY ! Hummmm? This tracking thing does work. :P

We had nasty storms last night. We were awakened at 1 AM with severe lightning. Got up and shut down the computer, etc. Then we were awakened again at 4:30 with wind and hail and torrential rain. No hail damage other than some leaves on the ground and my potted plants look a little worse for wear. No broken windows or roof damage anyway. Our son lives in town and DID have roof, gutter and siding damage to his house from a hail storm last week.......:(

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Originally posted by hmerrill

OK my challenge this week is to workout 4 days! Anybody else up for the challenge?

Okay, I'm in! I have a couple of Jillian's DVDs and a Jackie Warner DVD. After a couple weeks of that, maybe I'll be ready for the kettlebells again! :o Yikes...one day at a time!

I did make a yummy southwest chicken salad from a WW magazine for dinner last night. It was really good and very filling! Today I am making sure to drink 3 liters of water too.

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Originally posted by lisae

Originally posted by hmerrill

OK my challenge this week is to workout 4 days! Anybody else up for the challenge?

Okay, I'm in! I have a couple of Jillian's DVDs and a Jackie Warner DVD. After a couple weeks of that, maybe I'll be ready for the kettlebells again! :o Yikes...one day at a time!

I did make a yummy southwest chicken salad from a WW magazine for dinner last night. It was really good and very filling! Today I am making sure to drink 3 liters of water too.

Woo Hoo you know misery loves company! :P:P:P:P:P

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