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NQR Real estate agents?! Kinda long...

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Ok.-I am very honest with the two agents I have dealt with-perhaps too honest? Letting them know we are looking to downsize and relocate in about a year. When we moved from Ca to Mt 11 yrs ago I did alot of research & found an agent who stuck with me - We knew it would be 4 yrs 'till DH retired when we got here that was the agent I used to buy this house & it will be the one I use to sell this house. She kept in touch with me and would send me the local real estate magazines and even the newspapers from time to time. when something peaked my intrest I simply called her & she would go look and send pics! She made money when we bought & she will make money when we sell! not to mention the wonderful word of mouth advertising! I got EXACTLY what I wanted!!! Is it the poor economy? Are we too far away?? Whats the deal?? As soon as they found out it would a year before we moved they could not get off the phone fast enough. I know that some people are hurting but this kinda seems to me like they are looking for a quick sale without spending any time with the customer? What has happened to customer service & are'nt they kind of cutting off thier nose to spite their face? of course the repeat business would be lacking later. Again, Whats the deal???

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I assume you are relocating to another area where the Realtor you are happy with does not work. I would ask them for a referral. Many Real Estate companies work with each other and then you get the Realtor you are happy with working with another Realtor that hopefully has the same work ethic. Doesn't always work well but it is worth asking about. When you move and you know the area you will be moving to, look around and see which Realtor signs you see the most. This Realtor is working this area and probably knows more about it than someone else, this Realtor works it actively. That would be the first Realtor I spoke with. When you speak with this Realtor, honesty is great and I would ask them to keep you on their list and if they see something they think you would like to send info. You as a client are not trying to waste their time but would appreciate some information and in return will be loyal to them as well.

Just some thoughts. Hope this helps.

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Real estate is so tough right now. The homes for sale now may sit on the market for literally years. There are great bargains out there, but loans are hard to get and buyers are at a premium. Many people I know who were in the business three years ago are now working in banks and insurance offices. Those who are toughing it out are scrambling to make a living. So I guess a potential sale a year from now isn't something that is attractive if you are just hanging on by a thread. Sorry for your problems and I hope you can find a client-friendly agent. I agree that the ones you have dealt with are a bit short-sighted.

I can ask around out here if you like--I know you are hoping to move this way. You say it is to be close to your daughter, but I suspect it is to be close to that "M" group of longarmers!;):P:P

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Linda is absolutley right - the realtors are just barely making it. With the cost of gas and other expenses they are having a tough go of it. Our house has been on the market for almost 2 years now. Lookers who are interested, but they have their homes to sell -- and that is not happening either.

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Every company is having some sort of difficulty. The ones that will make it are the ones that offer fantastic customer service! I think people forget about the word of mouth advertising. Its free tho could cost them everything!! I will not use those agents nor will I reccomend them. They knew I was calling from out of state so who would I talk to about them? Well...this forum for one! How many people are on this forum?? I think people have forgotten how to look PAST what they see immediatly in front of their faces!

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We were just able to sell my MIL house in Tuscon after listing it 10 months ago. The listing agent we used was excellent and went above the call of duty to sell it. After the inspection report it needed alot of work done, and he put up a few thousand dollars to pay the contractors for us until we could send him a check because we are located in San Diego. I won't mention all of the little things he did, but he was very consistent in his work.

If anyone needs an agent in Tucson let me know. :)

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That's what I mean-& you would use him again, Right? Putting out his own $$ is way above your expectations, I'm sure!! Makes me kinda wanta move to Tucson-kinda, We are looking to get out of the long winters & deep snow but don't really want to jump from the frying pan into the hot fire (AZ) LOL

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I know the real estate business is tough right now, but all the more reason to work and please a potential customer, right ? Our daughter moved to the Chicago area a year ago and spent many weekends house hunting, calling the realtor, etc. He was fantastic and worked really hard to help them. Even after they moved in, he would stop by and see how they were doing, offer names of plumbers, electricians, contractors, he has personally used for when the need arises. The kids appreciated that so much and when it comes time for them to sell and move on, guess who they will call to list their house ??? They had talked with a few other realtors and were pretty much dismissed or would get "snotty" when the kids didn't like what was being shown to them. We have dealt with a few of those, too. I've had to set a couple straight. ;) Remember...........they work FOR YOU ! If you are unhappy with them, there won't be any referrals.

Hang in there and good luck ! Moving is stressful enough without dealing with people who don't seem to care.

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I have already told them I will find a different agent-Boy they do NOT like hearing that-LOL One even sent me a e-mail about how good she is at her job!! I got the feeling that she saying I was being difficult! I gave her a huge price range, told her we do NOT need to be by schools any longer, we are NOT afraid of any house that needs alittle or alot of work (I actually perfer that) We have remodeled every house we have had & sold it for a huge profit, We can be in town or out of town or WAY out of town. all in all we are pretty open to most anything! I am not sure what they were thinking? maybe too many options? :o

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