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NQR - wildlife gone wild

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i hope this pic posts. i'm not the best at it.

anyway, we are in the middle of a HUGE renovation to our backyard. this project has been in the works since before Easter. this morning, the landscapers are at work, using LOUD, noisy machinery. all of the sudden, this doe pops out of the woods behind our house and starts sampling all the expensive plants. some were still in the pots and not even planted yet. i let frannie out and she barked and barked, and the doe just kept on her feeding frenzy. i couldn't believe it. i hope there isn't something wrong with her. usually when deer come into our yard, they are in a group.

and, on a selfish note, does she get that i am paying an arm and a leg for those leaves that are supposed to be deer resistant?



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Originally posted by sewhappy

Deer resistant plants?? Did you keep your receipt? LOL

yes, just last night i ordered deer-off spray that i will need to apply every 3 months to keep them off my 'deer resistant plants" - i wonder if that will be another bust!

stay tuned.....

it never ends.....


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