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Assembly - Help!

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I'm wondering if anyone who recently bought a machine can help me out. I bought a brand new Millennium, and just got it delivered yesterday. It's a 12' table, with no Bliss. According to the directions, one of the aluminum rails should have a magnetic part, and the other should have some foam attached. I'm sure that the rails that I got were not bliss, at least according to the photos. But there is no magnetic part, and no foam part. At all. In fact, the two rails I received look *exactly* the same - it isn't as though one has the magnetic part and one is "blank." (At least if that were the case, I could figure it out.) I don't have much room to swing a cat in here, so I don't want to assemble it backwards.

For what it's worth, I phoned APQS about 5 minutes after they opened this morning, and was promised a call back "very soon." - After 2 hours, I called back again, and asked to be put on hold until someone could let me know what to do. After 15 minutes of *that* I got Dawn Cavanaugh's voicemail. I've only got an hour left of help to do this and am at a bit of a loss. (And I REALLY don't want to assemble it if they sent me the wrong rails or something - it's 9 flights of stairs up to my apartment.)

Have the directions changed? Does it matter which rail goes on which side? (There's no marking on the rails, either, telling me front or rear.) Thank you ever so much in advance...

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I believe the rails each have a front and back side, so the orientation does matter that way. But I don't think they make them with a magnetic part or foam part anymore. I vaguely remember having the same question when mine arrived 2 years ago. The magnetic and foam parts are outdated. Ignore that and proceed with assembly. Good luck! It's worth the effort, I promise:)

I don't work for APQS and my memory is 50 years old and faulty. If Dawn or someone from APQS tells you different, listen to them, not me!!

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If you have your manual that came with the machine it shows what you are talking about on page 17 of the manual. Step 1 of Table Rail Assembly. There are little black strips along the top of each rail. One is the foam one and one is the magnetic one. The foam one goes on the front rail. The magnetic one goes on the rear rail. The magnet on the pantograph table pieces will stick to the back rail.

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Finally got ahold of Dawn and she confirmed that on newer tables, there is no foam, or magnetic piece, as the "table" sits slightly inside the frame, as opposed to on top. She told me that those parts are to hold it when it's on top. Problem solved - thank you all SO much! Now I'm just trying to level it in my exceedingly not-level apartment.

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for pitching in and helping Elizabeth so quickly!

Sometimes the phones can be a little crazy after everyone's been quilting all night (or all weekend). I did speak to Elizabeth and all is well. She helped me discover an error in our manual that talks about how to plan where you'd like the table in your room, based on the table's orientation. The manual mentions two parts on the table to use as reference points to distinquish the "front" of the table from the "back" of the table. However, our new rails do not have those two parts any longer. When I edited the latest version I missed that change, but will address it in the next re-write.

It's great to have such a vivacious, helpful family of quilters on this Forum...you are all terrific!

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