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Help Me Find that Studio

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I need help.

I'm doiing some remodeling -- sewing room -- and I recall seeing someone's studio about 6 months ago that had a small corner kitchenette with bar chairs around the outside of it. It had a microwave and a coffee pot as I recall.

I have looked everywhere for that picture....can't find it. I thought I had saved it, but not.

Does anyone remember that?

I need to show something to the builder and I really liked that little "get away" nook.

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I remember seeing the studio you are talking about, but it seems to me it was in one of the past few month's quilting magazines. I get three of them...Fons and Porter, McCalls and American Patchwork and Quilting. I have them everywhere in my sewing room, in no particular order, and wasn't able to locate it at a quick sweep through, but maybe this will help you locate your copy.

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Thanks Laura,

No, I saw it on this forum, for sure. It was a picture that was part of the discussion, not a link or anything. I can picture it almost. It was about 5 or 6 months ago, I think.

The one you sent had some great ideas too, but I had found that one. Heidi recalls that it was posted in a topic that was off subject, in other words it wasn't about studios. I'll keep looking, I suppose. I'd really like to show it to my builder. A picture is worth a thousand words.

I've searched and searched. My printer was acting up at the time else I would have printed it. Then once my printer got OK, I forgot. I keep pictures of good ideas in a 3 ring binder. This idea had cabinets in a U-shape in a corner, with the bar stools making up the outside of the U. There were base cabinets and wall cabinets.

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Georgene, wasn't it a studio that was built behind the house? It had a row of windows down where she was going to put the longarm and a "kitchen" bar area in the front - she was going to put her coffee pot there and crock pot and she had a fridge? Seems like she was building an island in the middle for cutting and pressing and such. I remember it was large and VERY well planned. I think there was a tile floor and built in shelves and cabinets. The bathroom was up by the kitchen. It seems like there was a discussion about going ahead and putting in a tub in case it was ever turned into an apt. (Perhaps I dreamed that!). It was my all time favorite studio. The next all time favorite studio is Patty Butcher's. Get her to send you pics of hers. She really planned well. Good luck and let us know if you ever find it!

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Thanks Linda, I printed several pictures from this wonderful studio. It is fabulous.

Yes, I've seen pics of Darlene's and am gathering ideas from all of them. I just need to narrow it down and have something to show my builder.

I still have not found that little corner kitchenette that I was looking for. I keep looking though.

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