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Millie Assembly help

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So after a year of storage, we are assembling my Millie again. We have put the tubes between the rails and are trying to put the rail/truss assembly on the end piece. We can't get it together! We got one side in but then couldn't get the other. I vaguely remember that we had trouble with this the last time we assembled the table but we also had three adults doing it. This time we only have two and an unenthusiastic 12 year old helper.

Any advice? I am so wanting the whole thing done!



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I just went through this on thursday. What we did was brace one end of the "ladder" against a wall, and tilt the other end upwards.

Then we placed the end piece, also at an angle, underneath that end, and bolted the two together using only fingers, but to "finger tight." That way we didn't have to try to hold the whole thing level at the same time. Figher tightening the bolts left them tight enough to hold the thing together, but it was still loose enough to jiggle if we had to.

We put furniture moving discs under the attached table legs, so we could wiggle it easily from the other end. We then moved the unattached end away from the wall, and slid the other leg underneath it. It was a bit fiddly, but we managed to get the bolts through eventually - it just took patience. You may also need to loosen the bracing between the rails ever so slightly as well, or tighten it if it's too loose - this would be the case if you can get the bolts for the rail through one set of holes, but not the other.

There were 2 of us, but using this technique, I could just as well have done it myself.

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Yay! The table is up. Our helper, my son, was a little more helpful today. Still have to level the table and then on to the carriage, machine, rollers and auto feed.

Thanks for the advice and the support. I hope that running the machine is like riding a bike and that it will all come back quickly.


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