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NQR Beware of this HOT weather

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Hi Quilters! I just want to remind you to drink PLENTY of of water in this hot waether. It's suppose to feel lilke 105 today here in NE FLA but tomorrow be 100 on the gauges!!!

Last week I thought I was drinking enough. Was I wrong!. I have never felt so bad. I had nausa, dizziness and the worst leg (both upper and lower and both) cramps in my life.

After finding me on the floor, hubby rushed me to the ER were my DSL is the super! They put the biggest needle in me I've ever seem and the first bag went entered my body in 18 minutes!

One more bag of fliud and 4 hours later I went home and felt so much better.

I always thought it was stupid for anyone to get so dehydrated. (that is spelled worng I bet). But now I know I was the one without the brains. I had been drinking tea, water, coffee and had not been outside except to walk from the house to the studio and that's not far, maybe 65 feet!

So please, be sure to drink lots of water. I've added more water and some gator aid to my daily routine. Please add it to yours and stay out of the ER. Just think how much quilting I could have done in 4 hours! LOL

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That is always a good reminder to drink plenty of water when it is hot. I have a 20 oz bottle that I refill at least 4 to 5 times a day.

Dell, find a bottle that you can refill and keep track it really helps. Actually the bottle I have has a counter on it so every time I refill I will move the counter on it.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Dell you need to take care of yourself girlfriend! Drinking lots is very important and non-caffine is even better. Caffine will dehydrate you too. IF it gets too hot down there for you come up for a visit. 80's all week and low humidity.

Thanks. Heidi! If it gets much hotter and I can't keep the AC cool! I'll be on my way!!!!! LOL

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Dell, you came close to a REAL problem. What if no one had found you for a time? Lets not think about that! Do drink drink drink. My family stayed in the pool yesterday from around 11:00 till 6:00. It got so humid out that I came in around 3 and brought Meredith with me. We were washed out in spite of all the drinks! Don't know how the others make it!

Dave and Jane - we ate about 40 pounds of crawfish - 7 of us. Meredith has liked them since she could chew!!! I have just enough left to make some sort of Louisianna dish this week!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Stagecl

That is always a good reminder to drink plenty of water when it is hot. I have a 20 oz bottle that I refill at least 4 to 5 times a day.

Dell, find a bottle that you can refill and keep track it really helps. Actually the bottle I have has a counter on it so every time I refill I will move the counter on it.

I keep a glass filled with something right by me all the time. I my tea is the weakness you have seen. What so so weird was that the day before I had only water and no tea. I just want my fellow quilters to be safe!!!

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Originally posted by JustSewSimple

Dell, you came close to a REAL problem. What if no one had found you for a time? Lets not think about that! Do drink drink drink. My family stayed in the pool yesterday from around 11:00 till 6:00. It got so humid out that I came in around 3 and brought Meredith with me. We were washed out in spite of all the drinks! Don't know how the others make it!

Dave and Jane - we ate about 40 pounds of crawfish - 7 of us. Meredith has liked them since she could chew!!! I have just enough left to make some sort of Louisianna dish this week!!!!!!!!!!

I had my cell phone and had called my hubby but his phone had died and he was charging it in his truck so he couldn't hear it. I laid there thinking 911 or what. SO I called my BLI next door and he went and found my hubby. I love my cell phone! Just a note, hubby had told me to call him if I needed him. I think the next time I go by the cell phone store I will get him a charger to go in his shop!!!!

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Thanks for the reminder. Last winter in AZ I got a bladder infection flare up because of not drinking enough and keeping the system flushed out. That is what the doctor said. Even when it is cooler the air can be so dry that we have to keep our fluids up.

This event was not life threatening but it sure was darned uncomfortable and a good motivation to keep my water bottle close by and refilled often.

My doctor said that if I wait to drink water until I am thirsty then I have waited too long. Aim for at least 6 8oz. glasses of water a day.

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Heidi is right about caffinated beverages...my doc told me once for every oz of caffinated tea, pop, and even alcohol, etc.. you drink, make sure you drink an additional oz of plain water to counter the dehydration of the caffine or alcohol. Also the old rule of thumb is to drink 8 (8 oz) cups of water daily, but they have come out more recently and said even that is not enough water. If you are active, or just living in hot or humid areas that you need to be drinking closer to a gallon of water a day to be properly hydrated.

My doc also told me to be carefull about drinking too much sports drinks like power ade, gatorade because some of them are high in sodium and can cause other problems. Read your labels to be sure.

Glad your ok Dell...some times this stuff just sneaks up on you.

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Thanks everyone!

I caught the last of the news this morning and I don't know if he was kidding or not, he said it was going to feel like 129 today!!!!

Darn ! (Added later~~~ Okay I just heard it's going to hit 98 -100 and feel like 107, that's better! Just a little cooler!)

I was hoping for cooler weather! A guy in GA said we need a rain with a name! Amen!

Stay safe and drink WATER!!!!

Yes Susan I have a cool place to quilt!!!! That is as long as the AC worrks!!!!

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