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NQR Hairdressers.....

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I went to have about 4 inches trimmed today...I should have left when he seemed VERY happy to get me!!:P He said VERY enthusiasticly "Well lets cut some hair":o

If I did'nt like it I would be very angry. But seriously he cut approx 6".That reminds me of an old joke....but that would not be appropriate here;)

When they started sweeping they said - Boy thats alotta hair. One girl said -"there's more in another pile here":P:P:P

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Yep, Shana, you are right. This is the first time since I was 19 that my hair has been short. I get so many compliments/comments on how great it looks and "took 10 years off". I love it. Sassy and fun. Now if I can just remember NOT to let it grow out again, which is what I do!! :D:D:D Remind me in four months to go get an inch taken off...:P:P:P:P

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I used to always cut my hair off when ever I got stressed. One time (when I was going through my divorce) I got it cut twice in one day during a 12 shift at the hospital. I had it cut on my lunch break then ask my supervisor to cover for me later that day while I went to a different hairstylist and had it cut even shorter. Basically...I had bangs and that was about it. I must be doing really good these days because my hair is midway down my back and I don't destroy it anymore. I prefer it long because I wear it pulled back or pulled up and it's so much easier for me. However, I am NOT a natural blonde by any stretch of the imagination so I still sit in the salon chair. This is how it usually looks from the back.


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Guest Linda S

I had short hair for a while, but you have to keep going back to get it cut! I finally let it grow and it's to the point where I can pull it all back, put it all up, so it's out of my way. I may look a little older with long hair, but I don't really care.

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My granddaughter had never had her hair cut, only trimmed to even up the ends. On her 7th birthday this year she had 11 inches cut off and sent it to Locks of Love to be used in making a wig for someone with cancer. Her hair is still shoulder length and she says she intends to grow it out again.

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I had a pixie hair cut when I was a little girl because my mom didn't want to mess around with 3 girls and long hair. :(Well, as soon as she allowed me to grow it out, it has never been shorter than shoulder length (usually longer)! :DI hated having short hair and still do hate it. I go once a year to get it cut to my shoulders. :o I am happy! Everyone needs to do what is right for them!

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Originally posted by sewhappy

yeah .... right!

You all know about me & posting pics!!!

I am in way too good of a mood to even try to post a pic!!!

LOL....when you are feeling a little less happy and you decide to post a pic...send me a note. I can walk you through it.

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I am not really fussed, but ................ I had long hair because everyone used to say that you can do so much more with long hair. Well, I never did anything with it since I am a little challenged in the hair do department and I have better things to do with my time, so I had it cut.

The long hair made me look and feel old. My husband would still like me to have long, golden locks but I keep telling him to get real - that time has long (long, long.....) gone many years ago and I cannot carry it off anymore. (They do get fanciful at times, don't they!:D) When I get it cut, I get a fair bit taken off and LIKE it! I can wash, dry and style in ten minutes, look professional and neat without any stress.

I do like Oma's ponytail though and the Pixie cut really does suit you Sandra.

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I was a licensed hairstylish and when I used to cut hair, I realized that if a person comes to you and ask for 1/2 inch cut off, even if you think it needs more, you should cut it 1/2 inch because that customer will never be happy, even if it looks better. So I learned to do what the customer asked for, unless we talked about it first. I like my hair short too. I had to cut it short for medical reasons and never grew it out ever since. When it was long, all I did was tie it up because it was too hot. At least now when it's short, it looks styled, but I do have to get it cut every 3 to 4 weeks. I usually cut my own hair and go to a salon overy 4 months to get styled right.

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