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NQR Hairdressers.....

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It's summer - you need to be comfortable - I say cut it if you want to, by the way, my favorite thing is to go and get my hair cut, I love to go because my hairdresser always massages my head while she is washing my hair and if I were rich - I'd hire someone to wash my hair for me everyday !

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Oma, your hair clip is very pretty!

Originally posted by Primitive1

....I love to go because my hairdresser always massages my head while she is washing my hair and if I were rich - I'd hire someone to wash my hair for me everyday !

I love my hairdresser too. I tell her to cut it the way she thinks it will look good. She has always done a great job. She's so funny we laugh and talk the entire time. And, she massages my head, too. I give her a $20 tip every visit.:) Gotta take care of those who take good care of me.

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This is a very interesting thread about how we like our hair. I like Cheryl I had a pixie hair cut all the time i was growing up, so much so that I got the nickname Pixie and my Dad still calls me that if he remembers (with Dimentia, you never know what or who he might think I am now) oh well, so the last time my mother gave me that short of a hair cut I was going into the 11th grade and I swore, no one would ever cut my hair again unless I wanted it cut. So, I grew it longer and longer till it was to the middle of mt back. by then I was married and pregnant for my second child and the springy afro perms were in style, now this was in the late 70's. I went from hair down the middle of my back to this short FRO!!

I walked thru the door and my 4 year old took one look at me with her hands on her hips and Said "Mommy, What did you do to your HAIR!!" in a very accusing manner. She kept feeling it and asking if it would grow back straight! LOL

So since that point I have gone back and forth between short and very long again. Just recently I cut it back from just over my shoulders to chin length and have had more compliments than I could believe, that I look ten years younger, and just really people gushing over it till it was embarrassing!! I thought either they really hated my hair before or just can't get over the change. The reason I did it was because I am allergic to hair dye, even the herbal ones make my skin and scalp break out in small burn type sores to where it is torture to go through it every time my roots are gray. Suffering to be beautiful I am pretty much over, with the dyes! So now I have but one more cut after last weeks cut before all the brown dye will be cut out of it, it has taken about 4 months . So the next time I update my avatar you all will see how gray I am now, ( You don't realize it when you have dyed it for 4 or 5 years just how gray it is)

This will be my test in humility to see if once it is all natural, if I can't take it and have to just dye it again. My plan if I can't take it is to do some reverse highlighting by adding dark thru a cap so it doesn't touch my skin or scalp. I do think that because I wasn't able to wear my hair long as a child I am such a rebel and have been fighting for long hair ever since even though most agree it looks better short!!

So there you have my deep dark childhood trauma issues! LOL

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I have been a colorist/hairdresser for more decades than I care to admit.Of course I was a child of 16 when I started. When I married, I moved to the opposite side of the state & I no longer work in a salon on clients. I work from home on my 'fiber arts' business :) Leaving my salon clients was FAR more difficult than leaving my home & family. My clients were/are people I LOVE!! I still keep in touch with many of them and it's been over 9 years. What's my point in sharing this? My point is this, when you have someone to work with that you love, trust & can count on to ALWAYS make you look & feel better & look out for your best interests, don't let go. LA quilting isn't that different from a great salon experience. It's a creative project. Communication is of paramount importance in both situations.

Shana, we LOVE & APPRECIATE clients that tip us well :)

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My hair is naturally very dark brown. I dyed it bright red for many years. And I went back and forth between short and long...straight or permanent. I finally reached the age where my hair just wasn't going to tolerate coloring and perming anymore without breaking off or falling out so one had to go. I thought...hmmm...no problem. I cut it short and went cold turkey and let it grow out natural. For a while I had what I called "Calico" hair because it was black, and red, and orange and gray. Interesting to say the least. When the old colors were all gone I ended up with very nice "salt and pepper" hair. It had beautiful silver highlights. I thought I'd be ok with it. What I found though was every time I caught a glance of myself in a window or mirror it almost startled me...I had no idea who that person was. I just could not adjust so my wonderful hair dresser talked me into reverse highlighting because it would be easier on my hair and scalp and would add enough body to make it work without a perm. Who knew if you kept adding blonde that eventually you would become a blonde? LOL. The saving grace to this is it hides my roots for months. I only have to have my hair done a couple of times a year and she is very gentle with me. Yay for our hair dressers...they truly work magic. I also have to add that I LOVE short hair, but it doesn't look good on this round face.

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Would't it be nice to go in and have them slice off a little on the hips, tummy, etc. :P:P:P:P

I keep my hair short and the few times I have let it grow a little longer, my hairdresser tells me I look younger/better with it shorter ! She is great. So, I keep t shorter an away from my face.

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My BIL cuts my hair and he does a great job. HOWEVER, he lives on the opposite side of the country! It's not that bad as I'm out here (Puyallup, WA) every few weeks to help take care of my dear 92 year old father. I just got my hair cut and highlighted Saturday and I feel like a new person.

My DIL has hair that grows extremely fast. She let's it grow quite long and then donates her hair for wigs to be made for cancer patients. She's young and looks great no matter what length her hair is.

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Originally posted by gable428

I'm starting to get some gray strands and I actually like the way it looks! Go figure:)

I like my gray strands too. I am growing my hair out because I love how it looks pulled up! It's finally a couple inches below my shoulders and I can't wait for it to be middle of my back.

My husband still thinks I look best with a baseball cap on though! He thinks it looks cute and sassy on me! Good thing it is still ball season!

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Originally posted by Kay Anderson

I've been looking in the mirror and don't know who that "old lady" looking back at me is!! When did I forget what I looked like??

YES!!!! That's exactly what I am saying!!! :cool: It wouldn't be so bad if she at least look like my mother or one of my family members, but she doesn't.

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I remember reading a column years ago, written by someone like Joan Rivers, or another female commedian who said she was stunned when she looked down her arm passed the end of her sleeve, and her Mother's hands were there.

I think of that often anymore. Even my feet are looking old. Of course, the rest of me does, too. :P

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I have never had long hair. My husband likes it short and spiky but I keep it a little softer than I used to. He thinks spiky red hair gives me attitude! He has always told me the very first thing that attracted him to me was the fire in my eyes and hair!!!! It used to be naturally red but has more blonde in it now (thanks to my hairdresser!). I am so glad he likes it short because I have very little patience with hair. My daughter has the thickest, long and gorgeous red hair I have ever seen. I can have mine washed, dried and styled before she can get hers washed. As much as I love my short hair I want hers to stay long. It is just beautiful.

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Thank you for the compliment Oma....I love YOUR hairstyle! I wish I could get my hair long enough to pull it back like yours. Every time I get it to my shoulders my BIL tells me I'd look a lot younger if I cut it shorter......within minutes I'm having him cut my hair...LOL

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Thank you. It's taken a long time this time. It seems as I get older my hair grows slower. The hardest stage is the in-between stage where it's too short to pull back. Once I got it that long I just left it pulled back until it got long enough to look decent (actually I leave it pulled back most all of the time). My friend had extensions put in to help her deal with letting hair grow out. My daughter convinced me to cut mine off the last time because she said I always keep it pulled up anyways. Bad decision. My main reason for keeping it long, other than I like the way it looks too, is when it is short I have to wash and fix it every day in order for it to look decent...when it is long I can go a couple of days and it still looks ok. That's easier on my hair and on me. I like getting up, pulling it back into a clip and getting on with things. And it feels great in the summer.

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