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handle bar adjustment- Is it possible?

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I'm sure this question has never ever ever been asked. And it might be a dumb question, but I need to ask as it is becoming increasingly difficult to use a horizontal bar. My wrists are stiff and the angle hurts.

Is it possible to get the handlebar bent into a different shape? Or have one made in a different shape?


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I don't know the answer to your question, Jess, but did want to mention that I always have my handles 'loose,' (the four screws are loosened enough so that the handlebars move up and down easily, as needed for whatever stitch I'm doing. I like the ability to 'fine tune' the position of the handlebars at a whim, and I also think the variation in position lessens the stress on my muscles.

Also, when I look at the background fill you do -- are you using microhandles?

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Hey Jess,

I made some new handle for my machine that are horizontal. I didn't like the standard handles myself as they were uncomfortable and awkward. E-mail me and I'll send you a picture. I one I made for my machine looks a little different due to the fact that I'm a one armed operater from the front of the machine. zeke...................

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And since we are on this topic...my Liberty handles are two separate handles with the controls and I notice the Millie's are one piece sort of rounded...is it possible for me to have the rounded handles on my machine?

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That depends on what kind of connector each machine has and what the controls indicate on each machine. They should be the same, but have to look and see, or you could call APQS and find out from Mark. zeke............

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Hhmmm...My machines are essentially the same age...so I will see if I can switch the handles. I will have to swap the mushroom ends though to get the right ones with the right machine.

Thanks Zeke...I will ask Mark and see what he thinks. I would love to have ergo handles on my Liberty as well. My kids would prefer it too. It would gain them a bit of reach!

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Guest Linda S

When I bought my Liberty, I was told the ergo handles from the Millennium were not available because they would obstruct my view of the quilt top from the front of the machine. I do believe this would be the case. The Liberty handles are up and out of the way because you have smaller quilting surface.

Now, if you were going to be using your stitch regulator, and could pause the machine to reach up and shut if off. In that case, you could affix whatever sort of handlebars you wanted to the front of your machine for driving. Think child tricycle handlebars - they might fit nicely and be a bit more ergonomic.

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I adjust my handles up and down all the time. The problem is that my wrists are very much frozen from Rheumetoid arthritis and so the thumbs facing inward toward the machine is difficult. I'd like my hands to be positioned so my thumbs are in an almost vertical, but not quite vertical position. That would help me out soooo much.


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The last time I checked with Dawn (I think it was her), but it was definately with someone at APQS, they said they could make a Liberty as a special order. The reason I has asked, is I considered upgrading to a brand new machine. There wasn't enough money in the trade in to make it pay off for me, so I decided not to go that route. I still have my 2005 model.

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The adjustable handles on the Millie sold me on the machine. When I bought mine it was the only one avail with adjustable handles. With nerve damage from a neck injury that affect my arms andd hands the verticle handles just didn't work for me.

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Can you just adjust your handles in the full upright position (so they look like a handlebar moustache). Then hold the handles by the curved outer edges. That way, your hands would be gripping the handles with the thumbs toward the machine, with the thumbs nearly verticle. This handle position works for me on a lot of things.

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I have a Millie, but 2 years ago I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand. After the surgery I had trouble quilting, because of my handles. I tried many different positions with the Millie handles but no luck. So when I was at AQS in Des Moines, I talked with Dawn about my handles. She suggested I contact Amy. Long story short, I now have the Liberty handles on my Millie. They are brand new Liberty handles with brand new mushrooms. I love these handles, and they were so easy to put on. Plus, I find it much easier to see exactly what I am doing.

So, yes it is possible to switch out your handles on your Millie. Plus my wrist and hand do not hurt/ache with these handles.

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Guest Linda S

Well, I don't know what the real reason was, but when I ordered my Liberty I asked for the ergo handles and was told no. Just repeating what I was told, whether it's wrong or not.

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Originally posted by Butterfly

I adjust my handles up and down all the time. The problem is that my wrists are very much frozen from Rheumetoid arthritis and so the thumbs facing inward toward the machine is difficult. I'd like my hands to be positioned so my thumbs are in an almost vertical, but not quite vertical position. That would help me out soooo much.


Jess, if you put the handles all the way up or most of the way up to vertical and hold on to them on the outer curve, this will simulate the position you are wanting.

You won't have as much "reach" as you would with the handles down, but it would put your thumbs in a more vertical position.

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Originally posted by sagebrushquilter

Linda, I can't see that the ergo handles would obstruct the view. I am used to them on the millie...and even though the quilting area is smaller on the liberty, it still comes up against the front bar the same as the millie. I will ask Mark and see what he thinks. Maybe they have tried it. Thanks.

The biggest reason would be that the Liberty is a shorter machine height wise and already has less visibility than the Mille or Freedom. Another one of the advantages of the curved handles are that they extend your reach and that is not necessary on the Liberty.

The curved handles are nothing but metal tubing to house the wiring from the buttons. You could, at your own risk, remove them by the four screws in the front and have them bent to a different shape. Carefully.....

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OK...the verdict is in from Mark on my question. He said the machine height is too low and therefore visibility is obstructed. I guess also if I had looked closer at the 2 machines...the light bar attaches differently and the handles are part of the light bar on the Liberty. I had a picture in my head that was incorrect. So...I guess I get to keep my straight handles.

Good news is...Mark did say that the Liberty handles can be added to the Freedom/Milli because of the higher throat.

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