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July Moxie Meeting

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Guest Linda S

Oooo. It's the day after I get my IQ. Can I tear myself away?? Gonna be a tough choice. But, we do have so much fun, don't we?

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Yep! There's that national holiday this weekend to enjoy, and then the REAL attraction in July--Moxies at Lynda's in Seaside!!! This will be our third annual July at Lynda's, I think, and I am excited to see everyone!

Linda S--hope you can drag yourself away from your new IQ because we (I) want all the details!

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Yep, July 16 it is, just 14 days, YIKES!! I better get busy and clean this joint up.

Of course we have the multitudes coming this weekend but there isn't anything better than the 4th on the beach and we are expecting great weather to boot. Ahhh life is good!!

Details, details-------------Saturday, July 16, 2011; 10:00 AM til 3:00 PMish; address provided to those in need, just email, addy below. Almost EVERYONE is travelling a fair amount to get here so don't stress on the food. I'll make ribs, potato salad, beans and maybe a Cherry Delight. Just bring yourselves and a light chair. Remember, the studio is up ALL those stairs.

Our favorite Quilters' Rule dealer will be demonstrating some goodies. If you have a specific request let me know or contact Patty Jo directly.

Cannot wait to see everyone, it is always such a honor for you all to travel clear down here each year. Oh, it is the annual Beach Run (race in the sand) that weekend, too, if anyone is so inclined.

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Oh! I wish I could come!!! The 16th would have been my Mom's 88th birhtday. She alway thought it was so 'NEAT" that she was sweet 16 on the 16th! LOL

Have fun but I'll be getting ready to go to Orlando for Brigit's classes. I know~~~~ Wish ya'll were coming there too!

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I'll be there - Let me know what tools you might want to see demo'd or if you know of something you just gotta have and want to save on shipping, I can bring it to you at the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you all there....:cool:

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Guest Linda S

Lynda - you need to let us bring something, or at least contribute to the meal. Ellen and I will be up at o'dark thirty to make the drive, but we're looking forward to it.

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