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Double Wedding ring

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I have a double wedding ring coming to me tomorrow and thought I would ask. It is made of all the wedding dress and bridesmaids dress material. Don't worry, grandmom made the dresses and have fabric left over. Now, this is made of silk or good quality nylon or maybe poly mix. My question is what trouble will I have with this? Will I need to stablize it often? As it is slick. Need suggestions. Thank You Nita

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Do you float your top? If so, I would use a spray such as KK2000 or 505 to secure the top to the batting as I rolled the quilt along. This will help it stay in place while you put your stitching in. Otherwise, I would think that everytime you roll, you will have to place extra pins in place before you stitch.

Let us know how it goes,


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Do you think the thread will be ok or do I have to use a certain size or weight of thread? Will it break Threads often? I would hate to have thread break often on a pretty quilt top. All are pastel colors and white background and will do in white thread. Any suggestions are appreciated. Nita

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