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NQR....The long awaited letter...

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it arrived today... I was successful....out of 14k people I was one of the lucky ones and have been offered a redundancy package.....

more time for quilting is definitely on the horizon....

chink chink, celebrating with a very large Bacardi....

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what does it mean?

well like most companies at the moment, down sizing is a must....Volunteers were asked to apply to leave the company on redundancy terms....I applied as my job is going and the compulsory package isn't a good as the voluntary package...

So in 9 months time I will be unemployed but will be doing a happy dance as I will have more time to spend quilting and being a Nan to Dylan and the baby that is due at Christmas....

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Guest Linda S

Congratulations, Tracy! Trust me these last nine months are going to get really difficult. I was supposed to stay six months. I think I may make it to four. ;)

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Great news Tracy, you did say you did not enjoy it there anymore didn't you? and it sounds like the financial deal was a good one. Happy retirement then by the sounds of it, and of course happy quilting too........ not to mention no stress. OMG I am so jealous !!! I think I will still need to be working when I am 70 gone to pay the bills.

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Originally posted by Tracy G

not a brother for Dylan, a baby cousin.... my daughter that was married at the beginning of March is having a Honeymoon baby....

: )

My hubby was a honeymoon baby! :) LOL

Me?? I was a "Ooops! Guess what honey I'm preggers we better get married now" baby!

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LOL!! :P Yeah... right... I'm such a "treasure"....

... so My mom says because I was such a perfect child they decided to have 4 more kids after me. Five girls (no brothers) :) Dad says he named all of us girls after his girlfriends in high school. ;)

Anywhooo us girls all turned out OK in spite of our parents!

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