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Who is watching the Casey Anthony Trial? I haven't missed a minute. I have really learned a lot about our court system. I made an A in Government both in HS and in College but I know more from watching this trial than I ever knew before. If you are watching, what is your verdict? Mine is:

1st degree murder (Child abuse).

Penalty: Life without parole

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I am only aware of what I have heard on the news...I am sure we all know how biased the press can be therefore I do NOT take what they report as "gospel". Tho it is all very suspitious. But not having been in the court house or a fly on the wall I do not feel I can pass any kind of judgement

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sylvia - it's too sad for me to watch. first, losing that innocent little girl.

now the tragedy that comes from trying to get justice done.

i'm sure this family was never a 'leave it to beaver' group, but it's still a family.

i just find it so incredibly tragic that i can't even watch the recap on my local news. must be i'm getting soft with age, but i just don't have the stomach for that kind of thing anymore.

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This whole thing just makes my stomach hurt....what a beautiful innocent little girl! I heard one of the attorneys today on tv say "people don't take accidents and make them look like murder". I don't know, just know that this whole thing is tragic!

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Sylvia I haven't been able to watch the whole thing but what I've seen I say she is super guilty 1st degree Murder. I heard opening statements and I don't see anything proven that they stated nor did they even address the accidental drowning thing. I don't at all believe her father hid the body or the post man. I am certain that her daughter was in the trunk of her car and that she disposed of the body. I don't think she'll get the death penalty, although I do believe in it. I think she'll get life in prison.

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I have a full time job so I don't have the time to watch it, nor would I have the stomach to watch it (if I did have time). That said, I did watch some of the closing arguments this weekend.


That is what makes my stomach sick.

Oh and one more thing: she did it. She's guilty as hell 100%. Not sure what the jury will decide, but she is one sick woman. One word to describe her: Machiavellian

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I retired from the Canadian Justice system. The words "innocent until proven guilty", "beyond a shadow of a doubt", hmmmm, the burden of proof is on the prosecution, have they done their job beyond a shadow of a doubt?

Obviously the world lost a beautiful wee girl, tragic beyond words. How, when, where, and by who? Do we really know positively?

Rule of thumb here in Canada is if the jury returns quickly (same day) it's usually guilty. Long debates, chances are much less that the verdict will be guilty. Who knows what the outcome will be? After all is said and done, we have still lost a precious child........

p.s. Guilty as Sin!

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There is one jury lady who said during jury selection she couldnt' judge people. the Judge let her on the jury anyway. I figure she will hang the jury. Like I said I havn't missed a minute and I am a VERY fair person. I just think if there is a baby who is found in a swamp with duck tape around her little head with a garbage bag - it is murder. It is not an accident that she got there. Casey is evil (IMHO). She was too lazy to finish high school, and too lazy to work and too lazy to take care of her daughter I hate to see her get off. She is young enough to have many more children!!! Can you imagine putting your live child in the trunk of a car to sleep in the deep south in the summer. It has been 100 degrees here this past week. Poor baby, that alone could have killed her. I have cried and cried but boy I have learned soooooo much!!! Shana, I like your word for her!! PS, I think any juror who votes her not guilty should be willing to let her babysit for them for a month or two!;)

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I have watched bits and pieces of it. The mother never acted like a mom who loss her child, lied from the get go and her lawyers try to place blame at anyone and everyone that this woman ever knew (threw a bunch of unproven stuff out there (unrelated to the case btw) just to see if things would stick. Makes me think that this woman has no defense period. My own personal observation is this...Casey never wanted this pregnancy/child was forced to go forward with the pregnancy (by her mother Cindy) when she wanted an abortion (which btw I am against) but then wnated to also give the baby up for adoption but the grandmother again objected to that as well. Forcing Casey to raise the child and resenting the child. Then Casey met this guy who didn't want the little one staying over at his place and Casey was forced by her mother to take responsibility of her child and take with her when she went out so I think Casey started chloreforming (sp?) her and leaving her in her car/trunk frequently so she could go out and party with the boyfriend ( I don't think the boyfriend knew what she was doing though). And unfortunately the last time she did it, she gave the little one too much and it ended up killing her and she disposed of the child like she had disposed her dead pets as a child. Then lied repeatedly about what happened to deflect blame from herself.

The whole family is beyond disfunctional and sadly a little innocent child lost her life because of it. I hope the jury does find her guilty and throws the book at her, whether it is the death penalty or life in prison without parole, as long as this woman never sees the light of day. As for Cindy (Casey's mother) I think she feels so guilty of making that 911 call against her daughterand making her raise a child her daughter never wanted that she perjured herself on the stand about the computer searches to try to save Casey from the death penalty.

What makes this whole mess even worse is the circus enviroment that this case created with the idiots trying to get into the court room to gawk at this trial like it was the ultimate reality TV show. It makes me sick.:(

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You know, several days ago I went to a Lawyer's forum (I could post but I could read) and they said this case being on TV was the best thing that has ever happened to lawyers, judges, and law inforcement.. The attention it is gathered has educated people on how things work. One lady was quoted as saying it opened her eyes to take her daughter to court to take her baby away from her before the baby was killed. She was so grateful to have her eyes opened. so I guess there is good and bad about all the coverage. I have appreciated the coverage as a teacher I know there will be classes that refer to this trial to educate folks about child abuse, the law and the justice system.

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Joann, yes, I agree, you are absolutely right. But will the jury see it that way? Being a juror is such a huge responsibility and they do look for proof, solid evidence with no doubt surrounding it, as they are instructed to do by the judge. I worry that the holes and questionable evidence in the case will prove to be too much for some jurors and cause a mistrial or hung jury.

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I can't and won't watch it. My mother-in-law is glued to it and is depressed all the time. I remember in the beginning it took forever for even the parent to find out what happended to the little girl and they were frantic...so I don't think they were in on it...but are trying to protect their daughter now. She is, after all, their daughter. This whole thing is another OJ deal....and I fear justice will not prevail.

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I think she is guilty and keep thinking about our grandkids and if something like that happened to one of them. She should be duct taped and put in a garbage bag in the swamp for her punishment. Life in prison is too good (our tax $$ have to pay for it) and death penalty is too fast. :mad:

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Nancy Grace just said this is not a hung jury! Whew! I was glad for that! The sweet baby deserves justice! I would have taken her to raise. I have a daughter and a son who would have taken her! We would have loved her to pieces! I cry for her even now. I pray she is sitting on Jesus' lap this rainy day!

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