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NQR - You knew I'd have to ask!

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Very much an "OJ" trial and outcome. Like OJ she is going to think that she is indestructable and do whatever she wants in life. She is in for a rude awakening and eventually she will pay for killing her baby girl. But it still saddens me that, right now, she is thinking that she got away with murder.

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I worked in the DA's office in Reno for almost 10 years. We had a woman who carried a baby to term (not her husband's) without his even noticing that she was pregnant. I think she gained something like 10 lbs during the whole pregnancy. When the baby was born, she delivered her into the toilet, then put her in a garbage bag, cleaned up the bathroom and put everything, including the baby, into the trash outside...in freezing April! When her husband got home, she was bleeding so he took her to the hospital. She finally told where the baby was and the picture of the cop running with that baby in his arms in a garbage bag to the squad car to get her to the hospital has never left my memory...and its been over twenty years. The baby lived, but had cerebral palsy, mom got about 10 years and is now out, I'm sure. It was one of the hardest cases I ever worked on.

People who harm children or animals or the elderly should be thrown in jail and the key thrown away. I know very little about this trial, bit if she did it, I hope she's convicted and never sees the light of day.

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Like I said before, the media and attention played to witnesses.... it screws up the truth.

High profile cases like this always messes up a trial. Too many characters (those who play a part in the story or witnesses)... too much hot sauce thrown in the soup. People end up twisting their stories; people make up stuff for money; the media and attention always plays a role in how witnesses behave. And when you do not have credible witnesses, the jury has to disregard the testimony. Reasonable doubt is created. Three years this has gone on, spinning spinning spinning a tangled messy web. It's a shame the truth was shrouded in all of the bad behavior of some of these witnesses.

It's a shame the truth was shrouded in all of the bad behavior of THE MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So... there ya go! Another OJ trial. Guilty but got away with it. So, really, who did it? :)

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I did not think she would be found guilty. I don't think the prosecution did a very good job of "proving" her guilty beyound a reasonable doubt. I agree w/many. this family is so screwed up it may be beyond repair. I can't imagine Thanksgiving dinner in the Anthonly house. God knows what happened and in the end we won't see justice but it will be served!! How anyone could not know or care where her baby was for 30 days is beyond me.

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Originally posted by MarieBrewer

I did not think she would be found guilty. I don't think the prosecution did a very good job of "proving" her guilty beyound a reasonable doubt.

Exactly my concern as well -- the prosecution and the evidence they presented to the jury. The jury has to be POSITIVE that the evidence before them HAS PROVEN TOTALLY that the accused is guilty. Obviously that didn't happen or the verdict would have been guilty.

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It would have been a tough jury to serve on ! SOMETHING bad happened to that little girl and SOMEONE did it to her. She didn't put duct tape over her own mouth and climb into a trash bag on her own. I hope the truth comes to light and someone gets due punishment for this. Obviously they have no remorse or guilty constionce (sp). :mad:

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Meg that is a nice memory for Caylee. I just can't get over that they found her not guilty. I don't know how her daughter died but I'm certain that she had something to do with it, dumped her body and let her rot. It makes me sick. She is the only one that really knows what happened. I could never understand how she wasn't hysterical that her daughter had been "kidnapped" or that she was missing. I can't imagine having my child missing and not moving heaven and earth to find them. I think the lawyer knows something more too. His press conference was very strange. He came up with all these defenses to include saying that she drowned in the family pool but never explained how her mother knew that. I have to not think about this case. There are too many holes in the defenses case that the trial did not answer. I pray for Caylee and peace for her. She deserved a whole lot better.

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I am very surprised that people tend to believe the worst of people and that they would treat Casey's life as unimportant as someone treated Caylee's life! No child deserved what happened to Caylee, she was a sweet little girl that died before her time, BUT that shouldn't mean we find a person guilty without the evidence it takes to do so just to soothe our outrage to the death of Caylee. I hope beyond hope that none of you are ever unfortuante enough to be brought up before a jury and expect a fair trial. I would never want a jury but a judge to determine my fate. Many people had condemned Casey before the trial was over and none of use had all the information the jury had. PLEASE remember that finding someone guilty doesn't neccessarily carry out justice.

I am sure that no one will ever know the whole truth of what happened to Caylee but ruining another's life because you THINK they are guilty helps no one.

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I think time will uncover things. Caylee's mom or whatever we want to call her, travels in rough crowds. She will be followed the rest of her life, she's smart but if she starts drinking etc. who knows? I know she can't be re-tried. I just have faith that the Lord will settle this in his own way, isn't OJ in jail with a totally ruined career? Caylee will be remembered forever and at peace with our Lord. One of my problems is that the mom will probably write (or have written) a book and/or sell the movie rights to the story for a huge profit!!!

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HUH??? :o but...BUT... but ... what if we like vanilla ice cream the most? :) (cuz that's my favorite)

Then strawberry... and...

then maybe chocolate... but I'd rather have vanilla any day over strawberry or chocolate

then maybe cherry garcia? (that's another fave)

then maybe chocolate mint?

then maybe orange sorbet?

or cookie dough ice cream?


mmmm.... ice cream! :)

Anyway, as we all sit back and enjoy our ice cream, we can all accept that no matter what, we'll never really know the truth about this very complicated family. :( Nor will we ever know what really happened to that little baby. Sad indeed.

Know who I blame for all of this? The media and the $$$ and attention they were willing pay (and will continue to pay) to sell their tv shows, magazines and newspapers. They played a huge role in misconstruing the truth, blowing things out of proportion and in general meddling in and corrupting people's lives. Some of those (used to be credible) witnesses were ruined and made incredible because of the media attention. It ruined this case, like it has done with other high profile cases.

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I guess I can accept the jury not feeling there was enough evidence to prove her guilty of murder or manslaughter beyond a reasonable doubt but how could they find her not guilty of child abuse? Knowing your child is missing and not notifying authorities for 30 days is not child abuse???

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I haven't watched any of it, but my husband has been glued to it. He told me today he was mostly sickened at the celebrating they did, like there wasn't a sweet little girl that lost her life. Guilty or not, she certainly doesn't portray the picture of a mother who has lost her child.

On the other hand both my husband and daughter have stated that it really doesn't matter. We as humans always want justice for the victim, but only our Lord and Savior can really give out justice. Wouldn't want to be there for that!

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Those that do bad things have to live every day with their own inner voice and inner conscience. Maybe on the outer layers they can pretend everything is fine, OK and make up stories, lie and fake their way through anything but in reality, they know the real truth. They live it every day. Even when they sell their soul in order to have multi million $ book and movie deals, and they live in a mansion and drive a nice car... deep deep down they know the truth. How they live with that I do not know... How anyone could hurt their child and toss them in a swamp I do not know... how anyone could pretend they did not do it and smile and dance... and blame other people... and lie to their own family and the police trying to help find the baby... and to get a tatoo I do not know... wow.

The media is eager to be part of the "after story" so no doubt she'll make a fortune off her story, become rich, live in a big house with a nice car surrounded by fake friends. But underneath it all, she knows the truth. It's all so sad. :(

Sometimes I wish I was a little dog or bird. Living an innocent life just to survive in the wild, facing the rain and weather and raise my young so they grow up only to face the same harsh nature and survival struggles....

If we humans would not be so selfish .... if we could all be simple like the beautiful animals that preceded us and still continue with us... Oh I am getting too philosophical... mmmmmm

Nuff said by me.

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Ya know Shana, I think some people are not bothered by their actions. OJ is a good case is point. He is such a nascissistic, arrogant, self serving pig and a pathological liar I don't think he will ever feel as though he did anything wrong. And the jury at his trial played right into his hands. They fed his monster ego by finding him not guilty. Makes me happy to know where he is now. Heard on the news he has 33 more years to serve. Karma is such a bitch!!!

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