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Automatic advance

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I have made up my mind...ordering tomorrow!!! One more question. The table does not come with automatic advance of quilt....will this be a small inconvenience or should I have them add it now before it gets here?:) I am entering this as a business adventure so am trying to keep everything as low cost as possible but .....lol The Millie is a 2010.

Thanks again for your help! I am so excited!!!!!

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Della, the Power Fabric Advance may be considered an "option" to APQS, but for me and my customers, it's a "must-have"! :P Every year I insist on including it as part of my "Show Specials" - it's that necessary. Not only does it save wear and tear on your shoulders - no winding handles and setting brakes - but it also saves you many, many trips to the end of your table. It's also wonderful when you're working on a design (or finishing an allover fill) that is just a leeetle bit bigger than the workspace on your Millie: you can move the quilt forward and back to finish what you need without having to roll the quilt, then roll it back, roll the quilt, roll it back, ad nauseum!

There may be those on the forums that don't find it useful, but I suspect they are outnumbered by those who consider it a valuable part of a Millie setup.;)

P.S. Congrats on your decision!! You won't regret it!

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I didn't think I wanted the Fabric Advance and didn't get it initially when I got my Millie. I had the opportunity to add it earlier this year and I LOVE!!! it!! I wouldn't be without it, can't believe I didn't think it would'nt be necessary. Besides making things easier I believe it also keeps the layers rolling more evenly than they do when you manually roll. This is important to not get folds and ripples in your backing. Additionally, when it is rolling evenly, lining up panto or design boards for the second and subsequent passes is more accurate. JMHO.

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My first machine didn't have the fabric advance, and I was okay with that. When I traded it in for my new Millie, it came with the advance as part of a roadshow special. I can't tell you how much I like it. I haven't done this much yet, as I have only recently received my new machine, but the thing I think it will REALLY be valuable for is doing custom work where you are rolling backward and forward from time to time as you complete stabilization and begin your background fills, etc.

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I have a question for all of the quilters that have the power advance. I was thinking about getting one for my Milli and I usually float the top. So, do you have to also pin the top on the bar? And when the quilt is finished, I often roll the quilt to the beginning to see if I had missed any quilting and I thought that would not be possible with the power advance because the top of the quilt is pinned on one bar and the backing is on another? Unless, I unpinned the top to reroll the quilt to the beginning. Does this make sense? I feel that you can only go backwards so far, till you hit the last area that has been quilted or you pull out the stitching. If anyone has info about this, please tell me how you handle this. Thanks, Kerri

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the fabric advance is genius. I find my backing tension is better because of it. I roll the backing back and forth and it smooths out nicely.

If you float the top...you would not pin the top to the bar. And yes, if you do pin the top to the quilt top bar...you would need to unpin it to reverse the quilt and view the top of the quilt. make sense?

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If you have the opportunity to get the power fabric advance now---I would opt to do it. It is a very helpful feature for getting a tightly rolled backing and quilt loaded onto the frame. The only thing I probably don't like about it is sometimes I over-shoot where I want to stop my needle when I'm working with pantographs or the Circle Lord, and it takes me a few rolls back and forth to get the needle exactly where I want it to be as opposed to my old Ultimate II where I could manually adjust everything....I am getting the hang of how far to let it power roll now----that is the only negative I have regarding the power roller. I also have a small Dayton motor that powers the roller.

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