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Nah, I just sent her a message and 'fessed up. She actually gave me two quilts at once and I returned both. So I joked in my message to her asking if she'd noticed it yet, then told her which quilt. She's a newer customer, but she loves my work (her words, not mine;)) and says I will be getting more of her business. Of course, that was before I missed part of her quilt!:P

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Dory--I have had two of these oopsies! One was found months after it had been on her bed, was one small swirl and easily fixed.

The second was found by the customer's eagled-eyed twelve year old son. One un-CC'ed small square--but very obvious when pointed out.

I suspect we have joined a very large club!!:P

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Oh yes happens alot. I definately have to go back on this quilt and check the leaves on my rose blocks. I kept missing the spines in them. At least they are easy to hide the stops and starts. If I missed some the the meandering leaves won't worry about those but on the bolcks definately.

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The Oopsies? the OopsyDaisy club? If membership is based on BTDT I'm definitely in!

The quilt I won a red ribbon & best 2 color quilt award for at VQF has a glaring one. I only noticed it on the last day when a friend asked me to show her my quilt! I forgot to do the stippling in the white area of this star!


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Hey Dory,

This is a true story. A few years ago, I was studying very closely, a photo of a quilt that was done by one of my all time Quilt Rockstar idols. Well, I have yet to tell her that her beautiful quilt; she missed one of the continuous curves. Ooops! :o :o :o

Even with the CC missing, this quilt won big awards at the biggie shows. This quilt rock star is a huge name in our quilty world. Everyone here knows her. She's a famous teacher at all of the shows..has published numerous books and DVDs. she has won many top awards at the national shows. This same quilt has been published in at least 2 books that I know of...and it's on the Internet in Webshots. Everyone adores this teacher, and adores this quilt. It's a beautiful quilt... and I am her biggest fan. I just can't bear to tell her. :)

The oops!? We all do it! :) Even the rock stars!

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