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Poppies added a picture


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Thank you all for your nice comments, It is not my quilt and it is the second poppy quilt that I have quilted, and I have one more to do.....

It is a strange quilt to do because there are funny leaves, and funny spaces. I put my plastic paper on there and draw to find new things but sometimes not easy. I use cotton thread, and I do the same color top and bottom, but I like the looks of the back even thought there is different colors on there. The lady that picked it up was so happy, she thought it was beautiful and that really made my day,( she sends out her quilts to be quilted to other places and this was her first one for me) and I am still doing the Happy Dance, so I guess I am on the good road. Plus it is because of you gals and guy's. here is a picture of the back,


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