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How about a "ring" that slides from under the hopping foot, and it fits around the "open toe" foot, then the wire extends forward towards the quilter at an upward angle, with a quick "loop like" center.

It would be less expensive, as it's made of a decent "wire" and that foot doesn't get used as much anyway.

I have made a "crude" drawing in "paint."

couching wire.bmp

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Thanks Dawn! My angles arent quite right in my drawing, but i'll bet those guys can figure out what's what!

If they get this thing a going...i want the first foot! LOL!

Oh, that "loop like center" would have to "give a little" to accommodate different thicknesses of couching threads/yarns.

Something that would allow different thicknesses to "kinda snap in" the loopie thing.

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What a great idea! I know the Innovas have a couching attachment and that is a big selling point for their machines.

One thing to remember is that a wire "carrier" for the material you want to couch will need to be usable in all directions. A carrier at the front will work well if you are stitching towards yourself. If you want to stitch towards the back, a stationary front fiber-feeder won't work. The wire must swivel around the hopping foot somehow. From what I have seen on the Innovas, the couching thread is fed into the needle-path by a pivoting attachment that swings around to keep the thread in front of the needle at all positions. It must have a sensor that pivots it into the stitching path. That entails some serious engineering. Just thinking out loud here...

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I agree with you Linda re: the swivel issue for all directions, however, would that be an "infringement" issue? didn't know...and thought if I tossed out a "general" attachment, that the engineering specialists could come up with something from that point and move forward so we can couch from all 360* angles!

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