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How to charge for this one?? *Pics added*

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I was at a new customer's house and she put me on the spot, a bit. I've known her for awhile, but as I was picking up the first quilt from her, she pointed out another one on the way. The one pictured. She asked whether I thought it should have more quilting.

Rather than saying I thought it should have been done a certain way, I told her that one of the options I would have given her would have been quilting in the 9-patches and pinwheels, around the borders, behind the birds and on their wings. Apparently her sister had made this quilt before she died and to have it quilted quickly, they'd had it done by a computerized quilter. Her sister has since passed, so now she'd like to have the quilting done on it that I suggested.

So...how do I charge for this?? The other LA'r did mostly SID with some design work in the outside border. I don't know that charging her my normal price is really fair, since I'm not doing the entire quilt.

Thoughts, please...


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I'd also begin with my minimum charge... what you suggested will be at the very least, light custom. She suggested it needs more quilting, so don't feel guilty about charging regular price.

I've been blessed to have LOTS of customer quilts in the last few months and many of them have what I'll call "short" backs. Meaning that even though they are long enough, they are barely wide enough. I've cut a couple of 6" pieces of muslin to baste along the sides of the back - it solves the problem of working with maybe 1 1/2" of backing for the sides. It keeps the quilt from "bouncing" too. This would help if you try to quilt this quilt as it is. OH yes, I do charge them for the time to add and remove the muslin.

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Wow, thanks, guys. All good suggestions. I'm going to attempt to load without adding any muslin, but I have it if necessary. She has asked for the light custom, so I think I'll do the 20% discount thing. That seems fair enough...we'll see when I figure out the cost.

Kristina...did you get some sun on that face????? I almost didn't recognize you!

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Kristina, you're good. I rarely remember sunscreen and will probably end up with skin cancer on my shoulders from riding in tanks in the summer.

As far as this quilt goes; I've never had it so easy. Other than having to pin (rather than staple) to my zippers, its lovely having everything already secured by SID. I've just been quilting fun designs...so easy!

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Guest Linda S

Good golly Ms Molly! The quilter had a computer and that's all they did to it? Pitiful. (sorry, just had to speak my mind). I think it does need the treatment you suggest. I'd rip out and re-do that border. It is not pretty. It is stabilized, so I suppose you could give a reduction based on that.

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