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Hi APQSers,

I'm a rank beginner here, don't even know if this is going to post in the right place. I have read some of the forums, and you seem to be a lovely lot! Australia is far away and has some strange customs and sayings, so please cut me some slack if I seem to say something wrong.

My hubby bought me an APQS machine, and I am scared stiff of it. It is not for me to make a living - thank God- just to use. I think he had serious guilt issues with the amount of $ he has spent over the years on cars and caravans.

Anyway, I don't expect to post too much, and probably only with questions rather than answers, but I'm glad to be here. Jan

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Welcome Jan in Oz (I love that user name). Don't be afraid, APQS machines are friendly and will give you hours of joy (and some frustration).

The key to learning to use "her" is practice, breath and practice some more. Everyone on here is ready to help you and answer your questions. Through this forum you have 24 hour help because of our time zones. So get you some muslin or cheap fabric and "play". If your afraid to change the original bobbin tension, you can purchase an extra bobbin case and play with it. You probably know it already but there's several "ladies from Oz" on here. Welcome again and keep in touch:cool::cool::cool:

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You will find your machine is so user-friendly. And forgiving. LOL Connie said the magic word. Practice, Practice, Practice. Tracing over your panto design with your finger until you have the thread path in your head helps too. If you want to do freehand, start drawing your design on paper over and over. This helps your muscle memory and before you know it, you will be moving your machine in beautiful patterns.

Perhaps you could find someone local who can give you some hands on training. Good luck and have fun! We all learn by asking questions! The quilters on this forum, as you have seen are very generous with their knowledge. Look at the bottom of Beachside Quilters" post where the signature is located. " Each one teach one" I think that sums up the heart of a quilter! Welcome!

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Welcome, Jan!

Your husband has done a great thing for you...who cares if guilt might be the motivator? Now you can take that wonderful gift and run with it! We're happy to have you here in the forum...a group of patient, caring, knowledgeable and funny individuals who seem always ready to help each other! Nancy in Tucson

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Welcopme Jan in Oz. This is the best place. These guys know their stuff! But they are right with the PPP ( practice ). You are beginning a wonderful jouney with your Millie. What fun you will have. All have given you the best advice!!! can't wait to see what you do and how you will improve!!!! Best of luck!!!

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Welcome Jan,

We have many friends on here from Australia, maybe some are near you. This is a truly international chat site and we all speak the same language "Quilting"

Have fun with your new machine. Don't forget to keep reminding hubby of all the cars and other toys he has, you might need (want) overhead lights, a Circle Lord, a quilting retreat with classes, eg MQX west or other incidentals down the road.


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WElcome Jan

Always nice to meet a new quilter, we have several from Australia and we have gotten used to their way of talking, I like it infact!!

Don't worry too much about being afraid of your machine we all experience that at first but once you get acquanted you will be fast frinds!! Nice to have you on the forum ask questions and learn how to post pictures, we all love pictures.

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Hello Jan in Oz,

I have learned so much from this Forum, even though I often lurk in the shadows. I understand your trepidation; after three years (or is it four), I'm still there. It will get better with time and practice.

On another note, I've always wanted to travel to Australia. Since I can't do so right now, I'll do it vicariously through you and others from the Land of Oz.

Happy Quilting,:D



Anette's Custom Quilting:D:D

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