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Minkee Backing

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Ahh I love minkee for backing. I pin the selvege edge to the leaders. Remember minkee stretches so you don't want to tighten the rollers too much. When using minkee, I like to have MINIMUM 5 inches on both sides. So if your customer's quilt is 70 inches wide, ask them to make sure the minkee is 80 inches wide. I like the extra for insurance because the minkee stretches so much.

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I am like Shana for pinning on and I have used all types of threads. All with good results. I think that pinning on to the leaders correctly and not over stretching is the key to quilting with Minkee. My 18yr son wanted it on the back of his quilt that his girlfriend had made. I quilted it for her:) Good luck and have fun:)

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I like to pin with the stretch parallel to the bars, not the selvage. I pin it very carefully to avoid stretching it. My reasoning is now when I advance the quilt, it is not as likely to stretch as the stretch is going parallel to the bars.? Works for me.

To tell the right side of a double sided pile, examine the cut edge. The right side has a longer pile than the wrong side.

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