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resizing pictures to post


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I am sure this has been covered but I can't find any instructions: Can someone tell me how to resize a digital photo so that it fits to post on this site? Mine come out too big or the site tells me it is too big and won't post. Thanks so much!

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All desktop/laptop computers for the past 8 - 10 years come

standard with a program called Paint. Once you have your

photo on your computer, it's time to start Paint.

You can usually find it at Start - Programs - Accessories -

Paint. Inside Paint, Click File - Open

An Open window displays. In the File Type pull-down click on

"All Picture files" (so you get JPG, GIF, BMP, etc) and then

navigate to the directory where your photo is and click Open

to select your photo. Click File - Save As and enter a new

name for your soon-to-be resized photo. Call it fred or

anything. This will keep you from overwriting the original

photo. (You may want it large to print it at a later time.)

In Paint, you will now be working on the image "fred" or

whatever you named it and your original is protected. Click

on the menu item named Image and you will see a menu.

Select Attributes. This will show you how big your image is

now in Pixels. A photo that is approx 600 x 800 is probably

the biggest you want to put on the forum.

So to resize it, click the Image Menu again and select


A Stretch/Skew window will display. In the top pane of

that window, you can choose the % size you want. Try

changing it to 50% in height & Width.

Then Image - Attributes to see how big it is. Keep doing

this until you get it the size you want. Click Save (not Save As).

It is ready to post. I know it sounds like a lot of steps but

after you've done it a couple times, it will be easy. Many

computer folks have purchased their own image software

that will resize photos. But Paint installed on all Windows

boxes by default.

Good Luck.

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it is a Freeware program and intuitive to handle.

You have two picture panels, one with you actual photo and one where you see the difference when you move the bar for resizing.

It has a lot of other nice features.

The directions given from Linda eg. to save to fred and size are valid for the handling of any pics.

There is another of this prog. called 2020. Also Freeware, but I have not much exp. with this.


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