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NQR - A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit earth's atmosphere last night. Warning Amazing Photos Attached

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Shana I am soooo glad you posted this today. The light show started around 8:30 pm tonight and I was able to capture them on my camera. Not sure if i had the right camera setting on but I got a few pictures. I have my manual out for my camera and am trying to learn how to take better pictures in the dark!

The lights here are very curvy and dance across the sky quickly so fast.

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Wow The pics are so cool!! When we lived in Iceland, we saw them in person and they were so beautiful, I cried!!! I could also hear them!! Shana can you hear them? DH said to me a few weeks ago when we were talking about ESP and stuff like that. Some people say they can hear the northern lights. I said well, yeah!! He can't!!! I tho't everybody could It's a pretty cool sound!! Do you ever see them in the summer? Thanks for sharing!!!

Kathy your picture is amazing too!!! Looks great for a photo in the dark!!! I like seeing the differences in the lights in different places!!!

Thank you for sharing too!!!

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Originally posted by Deb2bie

.........I could also hear them!! Shana can you hear them?

Well, I've only heard them ONE time in the 35+ years I've lived up here. It sounded like static crackle pop (similar static on the radio) I will never forget that... I was on the north slope in the middle of no where on the road. No one else around, no buildings no other cars. I was with my boss. The lights were going bonkers. We just had to pull over and got out of the truck to look at them. The only sound we heard was the fizzing crackling popping sound (like static on radio). I think this phenomenon is very very rare (to hear it). Did you hear a fizzing crackling sound Debbie?

Originally posted by Deb2bie

.....Do you ever see them in the summer?

Nope! We have nearly 24 hours of Daylight in the summer months so any aurora that is ocurring is drowned out by the sun. Otherwise... Yes we would be able to see them in the summer! :cool:

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Originally posted by whitepinesquilter

Shana, That is beautiful! I've seen this only once in my life and the color was not that intense at all. You are blessed to be able to experience this so often!

Thanks! Actually these solar storms and aurora occur frequently (maybe once a month or so?) and some storms are larger than others (this was apparently a bigger than normal solar flare, or what the scientists refer to as a coronal mass ejection) but seeing the bright reds in the aurora is very rare. Usually we see the bright greens with maybe a tinge of red.

Seeing the aurora is a rare thing, really. They do happen but are sneaky. They pop in and out during the night. Sometimes you see them, sometimes you don't. Most times it's just a mellow light glow in the sky. Sometimes (very rare) it's raging color and dancing all over the place, as what happened this past weekend. The big solar storms and certain conditions make the big colors and active dancing lights. That does not happen often.

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......Just when you think you've had enough::: LOL!!!

Here's a great video a friend sent me on You Tube from last week's light show where I live. This was shot directly up so you are looking up through the lights, not at an angle.

Note that the time lapse is condensed over 1 1/2 hours. Notice the clouds passing through.

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