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I've been up to my arse in snow!!

We were without power for 8 days.

No heat, light, water, blah blah blah for 8 days.

No quilting for 8 days. Now I'm getting desperate!

No internet and chat forum for 8 days.


Here's a photo of the end of day 3--we got 7 inches of snow the first day of the storm. Then 14" the second day when the power went out. This is day 3.

We have a generator which ran lights or fridge or heat. Denny played McGuyver and rigged up some amenities--like bucket baths and a bit of cooking. He loved it. Me? Not so much...

I'm glad to be back!


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We lost a lot of full trees and even more broken branches. No damage to the house and we are up and running again.

Here's a photo of the heroes. There were power crews from as far away as Idaho and California who restored power to tens of thousands of us poor shivering Washingtonians. Thanks guys!!


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Oh my! I was worried. Hadn't seen you here on the forum. Glad you and Dennis are fine. I should have known he would take very good care of you. Bobby is coming out in April! Wish I could come too.

The back yard is beautiful!!! Glad to see all the trees didn't come down!

Wish I could send you some of this sunshine!!!:cool::cool::cool::cool:

BTW how much hand work did you get done?

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Originally posted by delld

Oh my! I was worried. Hadn't seen you here on the forum. Glad you and Dennis are fine. I should have known he would take very good care of you. Bobby is coming out in April! Wish I could come too.

The back yard is beautiful!!! Glad to see all the trees didn't come down!

Wish I could send you some of this sunshine!!!:cool::cool::cool::cool:

BTW how much hand work did you get done?


I did read "The Far Pavilions" and worked on my designs for that ever-elusive book I keep talking about. And (ouch) I did my State sales tax calculations. Thanks for thinking of me, Dell!

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Originally posted by JustSewSimple

How did you heat your house? Surely you didn't heat your house with a generator! Bless your heart that there wasn't lots to do except read or visit with Den!!! Glad he had fun anyway!!!

Thanks Sylvia!

Unbelievably, Dennis finished installing a natural gas back-up furnace to augment our heat-pump system--just two days before the storm hit. He was able to run the furnace off the generator and keep us fairly comfortable--but it was cooooooold in the morning. And to top it off, I didn't miss a day of work! At least there were lights, heat, and food at the grocery store.;)

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Originally posted by DoryJM

I'm sorry:(

I know...its all my fault:(:(


No Dory--I stopped blaming you!! I decided we had such good luck last winter when the rest of the country was getting walloped with misery, that is was our turn!

How did you fare up in Sequim?

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Oh my! I have missed you... but all of this time I thought you were just busy quilting another masterpiece!!! :( So sorry that you had to endure all of this but I am glad you are OK.

I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful trees. I've been to your home and I love all of the fruit and nut trees around your home.

So..... next priority for Denny is to get another backup generator --- dedicated only for your quilting machine. :)

PS: I see that Miles and Fraiser Crane are still holding up well, in spite of the snow and ice in their pond. :)

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I suspected you were in that condition. Been there done that too.

Soooo glad to see you back. I actually tried to call but didn't get an answer so assumed you were out of electricity.

We got some really good winds but I think most of what could blow down blew during the hurricane of '07 so we didn't lose power. Lost a few shingles off the roof but not too bad.

Take care.

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Guest Linda S

Glad to see you back. I had heard you all got walloped with the snow (while I was in danger of being blown of the coastline in Waldport) but I had no idea it was that much or lasted for that long! It's funny, but when they have bad weather in other parts of the country, it's national news. When we get smacked in the Northwest, they merely mention it! Is it because we are supposed to be such hearty folk, or because they just really don't pay much attention to us?

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I wondered where you were. I just thought you were busy, too. Since I'm retired I don't pay attention to the weather, even at home. But I usually do catch a glimpse of snowstorms somewhere. Just glad Dennis is so handy and made you as comfortable as he could.

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8 DAYS ????? How awful. We had a terrible ice storm a few years ago and were without power for 4 days. That was bad enough. Glad you faired OK and hope this is the end of the snow for you. Here in Iowa, we have been blessed with more spring like weather and only a dusting of snow. We had a rough winter last year though. We still keep waiting for the sky to fall and get dumped on before spring really gets here. :o

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