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Latest Spammer reported

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Originally posted by Tracy G

is there a mechanism for blocking these people?

Semi-nasty photos with the latest spammer, huh?

Dawn removes offensive/irritating adverts when they are reported. One report is all that's needed.

Most of the ones we get are kinda "hit and run". They register, post several inane posts just so they can add a link at the bottom and hope someone bites, and then never return. So removing the posts is all that's necessary.

The other option is to have all new registrants approved before they can post. That will slow some down spammers, but not eliminate them since they are posting links and not websites so Dawn wouldn't be able to tell until after something was posted if it is inappropriate.

I imagine the time Dawn spends removing reported posts is way less that someone would spend approving new registrants, so don't expect to see a change.;) Just keep diligent in reporting the creeps.

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