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Customer quilt with short border

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Doing a quilt at the shop, I pinned the top (should have floated) and by the time I'd gotten half the way through one side border was hard tight and the rest was floppy. I unpinned the top (at the bottom) so it floated, but by that time things were pretty bad (one wrinkle on the bottom and I'm gonna have a heck of a time squaring it up, since it wasn't square to begin with. When my associate took the quilt she measured it, but failed to note it wasn't square and I didn't think to measure it myself (won't do that again) So... my question... Is it a loss? The quilt was clearly poorly made, I frogged the wrinkle area underneath, folded it in and stitched it down. It won't show much, but it still won't be square. If I'd know I could have 'quilted it out'...LOL... to some extend, but what hints could you give me for helping this one or in the future that I'm not already thinking...

1) measure it all around

2) float it when it's not even

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I try to make sure that as I'm rolling the top on the holding bar that I keep the quilt straight by lining up seams. If it is going off I can see it as I roll it up. I don't float my tops. I had one once that was pretty off and I called the customer. I told her I could try to work it in but that there would be a bow in the borders or I could make it square and there would be a tuck, her call. I try to make sure that I keep extra fabric in the area it belongs, vs pushing it down into the next roll. Hope that helps.

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