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First Quilt Done on My Long Arm

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Just wanted to post a picture for some of the pals I've made on here so far to show my very first quilt done on my "new to me" Ultimate 1. Nothing fancy yet, but I'm thrilled to be quilting round circles instead of squares! I discovered why long armers want that additional backing fabric (I ran into the clips more than once!) and am learning to plan ahead because I don't have any stitch regulation. All in all, this was done the day after my long arm came home so I am ecstatic!!!

Looks like my pictures are super big so I can only show one, but there are more on my blog if you'd like to see the stitches up close - pumpkinpatchquilter.blogspot.com



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Thanks guys! Thiis is so much fun, and I'm really happy with my first attempt. I am almost finished loading my Mother's quilt...it's a queen - eep! I pieced it for her several years ago and there are a lot of "whoops!" moments in it. It will be a good learning experience!

Thank you all for the encouragement, it's really nice to get a "good job" in the beginning when you're at times afraid to go near that big scary setup!

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Great job on your first quilt! You will find lots of ways to use that looping meander-- with stars, daisies, hearts, butterflies-- on and on....

I know what you mean about the clips-- I tried to save on the backing at first but learned I'd rather save on taking out my stitches when I got hung up on the clips!

Have fun with your mom's quilt!!

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