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Help!  I am the brand new owner of a 1993 Ultimate 1 and have NO idea what I'm doing.  I think I'm not getting bobbin in right - it doesn't want to pull to top when I do couple stitches and once it does - my top thread is showing through on bottom.  It wasn't doing this when I first got it started.  But as bobbin occasionally falls out (should it do that?) and I don't know how the correct way to put it in.  Am using disposable plastic bobbins.  Any advice or pictures would be helpful!  I have tried rethreading machine and it seems to be threaded correctly . . . . Thanks in advance for any advice!

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Are you sure you have the right size bobbin?  I'm only asking because I once tried some others from a fabric store, and while they said they were size L they didn't fit and wouldn't turn freely.  Also, if you are using the little cardboard ones try ripping the cardboard sides off of them.


Other things it could be- Is it turning the right way?  When you look at the open side you should see it turning clockwise.

Are the little fingers on the backlash spring catching it and stopping it from turning?


You should hear it click when you put it in. Wiggle it around until it does.

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 Chris - Depending where in Dayton you are, I'm @ 30 minutes away and would LOVE some help!  I'm in Lewisburg which is @ Exit 14 off I-70 in Preble County. I am only couple miles off interstate on State Rt 503.  Let me give  you my email address and you can send me a private message - jdbateman@woh.rr.com


Teresa - good question!  I'm using the ones that I thought were right but am not sure.  I'll double check because I think that's a big part of what I'm doing wrong and just don't know which way is right.  I'll print this and double check. I'm using preloaded bobbins that are plastic rather than the cardboard.  Don't know if that's an issue or not.


Thanks for the ideas.  Looking forward to hearing from you Chris!

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I do not think plastic sided pre wound bobbins are L size.  They are more likely to be A size which are thicker than an L size and will not work in industrial machines.


Did the previous owner give you any metal bobbins with the machine.  If so compare the height of your prewound to the metal.

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Thanks Busy Quilting.  She did give me some metal bobbins, which I have yet to wind.  She also gave me a somewhat antique looking thing that is supposed to be a bobbin winder so I am going to try to figure that out.  She told me the pre wound ones I have would work to get started (obviously, as I started doing real projects I might want to use different colors).  I'm beginning to think she was wrong.  Chris is going to come help me out - I think it's just wonderful when people want to help out newbies that they don't even know.  She lives close to me so it is WONDERFUL!  I only hope that one day I'll have the opportunity to return her favor to some other newbie . . . . :)

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Thanks so much to Chris Landis.  She came over to my house not once, but twice.  She brought her husband back this evening!  My only hope is that someday I will be the one that knows what I'm doing and can help another newbie!  I am sure I'll have more questions, but for now am enjoying doing my loopty loops!  Guess one day I'll have to figure out how to do something else, but for now I'm just excited to be quilting!  Thanks again to everyone who offered advice! 

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