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Prewound Bobbins to use in Millie

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What are your thoughts on prewound bobbins. And do you have a preference over the card board sided bobbins or the plastic sided prewound bobbins. Or just winding your own. I want to use them on my Millie. My Millie is running great now I think I just needed to get use to her. I love quilting with her now :)




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I only use pre-wounds; have never wound one of my own, LOL.. I like Superiors bobbins and Filtec's magnetic bobbins; I use them according to what I am quilting. I have mixed them up with each the top threads and they run equally well. I do have separate bobbin cases for each one and that keeps me from having to change tension with different threads each time I trade off. Makes it super simple.  I have never used a plastic sided bobbin. Try them, I am sure you will like them!

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I use Superior Superbobs 99% of the time.  I only wind bobbins if I have absolutely no other option.  I just picked up some wonderfil bobbins to try.   I loved the original Magna Glide bobbins, but I am not a found of the Delights.  The thread is just too thick and therefore there is not enough thread on the bobbin for me to deal with them.  

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I'm a pre-wound fan as well. Before I purchased a turbo winder it would take a while to wind bobbins with my on-board winder. Figuring 10 bobbins at 3 minutes per bobbin would take a half-hour, it is was more cost-effective to buy bobbins at 50 cents each and use the half hour to quilt instead. Then I was hooked. I use BottomLine bobbins mostly, but like the magna glides as well.

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I use prewounds not only on Penny, but on the Viking and the Burnette.  Haven't tried them in the Singers I have.


Wish I could use these prewounds up quicker, so I can use the Fil-Tec.


One tip, don't use the bobbins with no sides on the drop in bobbin Viking machines.. they tend to roll around instead

of staying upright.


The bobbins that have a bobbin case to run, are just fine with a sideless bobbin.


All 3 machines work great with either one or both sides, cardboard or plastic.


It saves us a lot of messing around filling bobbins when piecing.

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I use them also, BIG time saver and so convenient (and I hate to wind bobbins!)  When I change a bobbin out and there is a little left on it and I don't want to run out when I use it again, I throw them into a small container that I then use in my DSM so I never have to wind bobbins there either!  :)  It is a win win!

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The magnetic bobbins as a rule cannot be used in any domestic machine that use plastic sided bobbins.  It will play up with the machine electronics in the bobbin case area!!!


The plastic sided bobbins are usually not available in L size, they are Class 15 size.  slight difference  in thickness.  You can use an L bobbin in a Class 15 machine, add an extra paper side underneath it, but not the other way around.


It takes just over a minute to wind a bobbin on the turbo winder, so if you take into account your time and the fact you can get almost 50% more thread on a prewound.

Prewounds become very cost effective.  Pity they don't always come in the colours I want. :(

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